ITMEX2ATSC30-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS it FROM IT-MIB MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF DateAndTime, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC; itmex2atsc30 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201910110940Z" ORGANIZATION " ITELCO BROADCAST S.r.l., Italy " CONTACT-INFO "Contact: Web: Address: Via dell'innovazione 4, 05018 Orvieto (TR), Italy Telephone: +39 0763 960300" DESCRIPTION "This is the MIB file of ITMEX2ATSC30 modulator. Copyright (c) 2018 Itelco s.r.l.(. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included." REVISION "201910110940Z" DESCRIPTION "SWITELCOATSC30_P3_1_02_358 build 1615727479" ::= { it 37 } itmex2atsc30System OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 1 } itmex2atsc30Mode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 2 } itmex2atsc30Input OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 3 } itmex2atsc30Output OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 4 } itmex2atsc30Gps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 7 } itmex2atsc30Ip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 10 } itmex2atsc30Monitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 12 } itmex2atsc30Test OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 13 } itmex2atsc30Alarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 14 } itmex2atsc30Preset OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 15 } itmex2atsc30Eventlog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 16 } itmex2atsc30Comms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 17 } itmex2atsc30Precorrector OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 25 } itmex2atsc30Backplane OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 27 } itmex2atsc30Notifs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 64 } itmex2atsc30Conformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30 100 } itmex2atsc30Compliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30Conformance 1 } -- -- -- itmex2atsc30 System sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW1Rev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument FW1 revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 7 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW1RevBL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument FW1 BL revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 8 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW2Rev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument FW2 revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 9 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW2RevBL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument FW2 BL revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 10 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW3Rev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument FW3 revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 11 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW4Rev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument FW4 revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 12 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentPCBRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument PCB revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 13 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentCalibrationRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument Calibration revision" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 14 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentCalibrationDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument Calibration date" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 15 } itmex2atsc30SystemReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { keeprunning(0), sameimage(1), otherimage(2), image0(3), image1(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Force a reboot of the device on the designated image now." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 16 } itmex2atsc30SystemRebootDefaultConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { keeprunning(0), reboot(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Restore all parameters to factory default and reboot the device on the same image." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 19 } itmex2atsc30SystemDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current date/time in local timezone of the device. Format is YYYY MM DD HH MM SS." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 22 } itmex2atsc30SystemImage0Version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The image 0 version string." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 24 } itmex2atsc30SystemImage0InstalledDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time image 0 was installed." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 25 } itmex2atsc30SystemImage1version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The image 1 version string." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 26 } itmex2atsc30SystemImage1InstalledDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time image 0 was installed." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 27 } itmex2atsc30SystemServiceLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control the Service LED on frontpanel." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 28 } itmex2atsc30SystemLanguage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c(0), da-dk(1), ru-ru(2), es-es(3), pt-br(4), it-it(5), de-de(6), fr-fr(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls which language is used on web and facia. Change requires reboot." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 33 } itmex2atsc30SystemType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modulator(0), repeater(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system type to start in on next reboot." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 30 } itmex2atsc30SystemModulationStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dvbt(0), dvbt2(1), atsc(2), isdbt(3), iboc(4), dab(5), atsc30(6), atv(7), gapfiller(8), radio(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Modulation Standard to start in on next reboot." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 32 } itmex2atsc30SystemCurrentImage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flash Image the device is currently booted from." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 23 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentKU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument serial number." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 1 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The product type designation." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 2 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The options installed on this instrument." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 6 } itmex2atsc30SystemDateTimeSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(0), auto(1), gps(2), ntp(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The method used to synchronize system RTC. Mode auto means use gps if available else ntp else manual." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 20 } itmex2atsc30SystemDateTimeSyncActual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(0), auto(1), gps(2), ntp(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual method used to synchronize system RTC." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 31 } itmex2atsc30SystemTimezone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Time Zone used for displaying Data and Time." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 21 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentSWRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument Software Revision currently running." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 3 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentBootLoaderRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument Bootloader Software Revision." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 4 } itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentKernelRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instrument O/S Kernel Version." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 5 } itmex2atsc30SystemOperationOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 secs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds this unit has been turned on since production." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 34 } itmex2atsc30SystemOperationOnAirTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 secs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds this unit has been unmuted since production." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 35 } itmex2atsc30SystemOperationNumberOfBoots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times this unit has been booted since last factory default restore." ::= { itmex2atsc30System 36 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 40 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raw ID of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 41 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdPcb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCB version of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 42 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdCableOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cable options of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 43 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdMAnuf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacture ID of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 44 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneCalibrationDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Calibration date of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 45 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneCalibrationSw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Calibration SW version of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 46 } itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdPartlist OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Partlist version of the backplane the device is plugged into" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 47 } -- Scheduled Action table -- itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the scheduled actions" ::= { itmex2atsc30System 50 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the scheduled action" INDEX { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionID } ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionID Integer32, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionHour Integer32, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMinute Integer32, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionWeekday INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMonthDay Integer32, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionDate DisplayString, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRandomDelay Integer32, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRepeaterMode INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionPresetNo INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRebootImage INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRebootSystemType INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMute INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeProtocol INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeUsername DisplayString, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradePassword DisplayString, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeImageServer DisplayString, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeImagePath DisplayString } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 10 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this scheduled action entry" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { never(0), immediate(1), once(2), hourly(3), daily(4), weekly(5), monthly(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval at which this scheduled action entry will be executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 23 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The recurrence hour used when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence is once, hourly, dayly, weekly and monthly." ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMinute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 59 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The recurrence minute used when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence is once, hourly, dayly, weekly and monthly." ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionWeekday OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monday(0), tuesday(1), wednesday(2), thursday(3), friday(4), saturday(5), sunday(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The recurrence weekday used when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence is weekly." ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMonthDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 31 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The recurrence day of the monthe used when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence is monthly." ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The recurrence date used when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence is once. The format is dd/mm/yyyy." ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRandomDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 600 ) UNITS "secs" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An extra random delay added before the action for this entry is executed. A setting of x means that a random delay between 0 and x seconds are added." ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), repeatermode(1), preset(2), swupgrade(3), reboot(4), mute(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action for this entry is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRepeaterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), digital-iso-repeater(1), digital-transposer(2), analog-iso-repeater(3), analog-transposer(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new repeater mode to change to when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type repeatermode is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 10 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionPresetNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), digital-iso-repeater(1), digital-transposer(2), analog-iso-repeater(3), analog-transposer(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The preset to load when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type preset is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 11 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRebootImage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sameimage(0), otherimage(1), image0(2), image1(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The image to reboot to when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type reboot is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 12 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRebootSystemType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modulator(0), repeater(1), same(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system type to reboot to when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type reboot is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 13 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mute mode to change into when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type mute is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 14 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { http(0), ftp(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protocol to use into when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type swupgrade(3) is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 15 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeUsername OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The username to use into when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type swupgrade(3) is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 16 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password to use into when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type swupgrade(3) is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 17 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeImageServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The server name to use into when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type swupgrade(3) is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 18 } itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeImagePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The image path name to use into when itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction of type swupgrade(3) is executed" ::= { itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionEntry 19 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Mode sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30ModeSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { scheduler(0), stl(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network Mode" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetwork OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mfn(0), sfn(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network Mode" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2 } itmex2atsc30ModeParameterValidationMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String containing result of Parameter Validation" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 3 } itmex2atsc30ModeParameterValidationLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), error(1), warning(2), supressed-warning(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current validation level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4 } itmex2atsc30ModeDelayOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -9999999 .. 9999999 ) UNITS "1 x100ns" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local delay offset" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 16 } itmex2atsc30ModesfnMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 x100ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SFN Margin x100ns" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 18 } itmex2atsc30ModeSfnRelativeForce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Force SFN Relative Timing Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 17 } itmex2atsc30ModeSpecificationRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sr21(0), sr26(1), sr26-z1(2), sr33(3), sr45(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network Mode" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 9 } itmex2atsc30ModeSpecificationStl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { r18(0), r26(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A/324 revision." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainCurrentNetworkDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Network Delay. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 76 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainMaxNetworkDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum Network Delay. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 77 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainMinNetworkDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum Network Delay. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 78 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainModulatorDelayMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Modulator Delay Margin. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 79 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveCurrentNetworkDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Network Delay. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 80 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveMaxNetworkDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum Network Delay. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 81 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveMinNetworkDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum Network Delay. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 82 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveModulatorDelayMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Modulator Delay Margin. Valid range: -9999999 - 9999999. Units: 100ns (10MHz resolution)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 83 } itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayResetDelays OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear Max. and Min. Network Delays." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 84 } itmex2atsc30ModeCopyFromStl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to copy parameters from the STL stream to the Scheduler configuration." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 201 } itmex2atsc30ModepreambleFft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the preamble." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 90 } itmex2atsc30ModepreambleGuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the preamble." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 91 } itmex2atsc30ModepreamblePilotDx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dx3(0), dx4(1), dx6(2), dx8(3), dx12(4), dx16(5), dx24(6), dx32(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the preamble pilot pattern used" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 92 } itmex2atsc30ModepreambleFectype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ft1(0), ft2(1), ft3(2), ft4(3), ft5(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FEC type for preamble." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 93 } itmex2atsc30ModebootstrappreambleIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The FFT size and the duration of the guard interval for each preamble symbol shall be the same for each preamble symbol and shall be indicated by the 'preamble_structure' parameter of the bootstrap as shown in Table 9.2." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 99 } itmex2atsc30ModebootstrapEmergencyAlert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 3 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forces the emergency alert mode." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 98 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { r0(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "L1 Basic version." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 100 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicTimeInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ni(0), incms(1), incus(2), incns(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the presence or absence of timing information in the current frame, and the precision to which it is signaled. L1B_time_info_flag=00 - Time information is not included in the current frame L1B_time_info_flag=01 - Time information is included in the current frame and signaled to ms precision L1B_time_info_flag=10 - Time information is included in the current frame and signaled to us precision L1B_time_info_flag=11 - Time information is included in the current frame and signaled to ns precision" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 97 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicPapr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), tr(1), ace(2), trace(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PAPR Reduction type." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 101 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicframelengthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { time(0), symbol(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The duration of a frame can be specified in one of two ways, time-aligned or symbol-aligned. A time-aligned frame shall use the signaled guard interval length for each subframe within the frame to define a minimum guard interval length for each non-preamble OFDM symbol within a frame. An overall frame length shall be signaled for a time-aligned frame, where the frame length shall be equal to the sum of the lengths of the bootstrap, the preamble and the subframe(s) contained within the frame. A time-aligned frame can be recognized by signaling of L1B_frame_length_mode=0. A symbol-aligned frame shall use the signaled guard interval lengths for OFDM symbols and shall not insert any extra samples into any guard intervals within the frame or into any other portions of the frame. A symbol-aligned frame can be recognized by signaling of L1B_frame_length_mode=1. The maximum duration of a frame shall be 5s. The minimum duration shall be 50 ms." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 102 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicframelengthValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 5000 ) UNITS "1 x5ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When L1B_frame_length_mode=0, this field shall indicate the time period measured from the beginning of the first sample of the bootstrap associated. with the current frame to the end of the final sample associated with the current frame (i.e. the signaled frame length also includes the length of the bootstrap). When L1B_frame_length_mode=1, L1B_frame_length shall be set to 0." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 103 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicSubframes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set to the number of subframes present within the current frame. With a maximum of 4 subframes" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 104 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicBsid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast Stream ID" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 117 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicpreamblereducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 4 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the preamble is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the preamble symbols of the current frame with the exception of the first preamble symbol. See Section for details. When there is only one preamble symbol, the value of this field shall be zero." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 105 } itmex2atsc30Model1basicl1dFectype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ft1(0), ft2(1), ft3(2), ft4(3), ft5(4), ft6(5), ft7(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FEC type for L1-detail information protection." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 106 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14107 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14108 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14109 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14110 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14111 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14112 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14113 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14114 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14118 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14119 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14120 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14121 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14122 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14123 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14124 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14125 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14126 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14127 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14128 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14129 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14130 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14131 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14140 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14132 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14133 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14134 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14135 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14136 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14137 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14138 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14139 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14150 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14151 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14152 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14153 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14154 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14155 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14156 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14157 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14158 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14159 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14160 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14161 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14170 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14162 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14163 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14164 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14165 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14166 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14167 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14168 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14169 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14180 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14181 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14182 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14183 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14184 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14185 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14186 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14187 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14188 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14189 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14190 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14191 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14200 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14192 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14193 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14194 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14195 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14196 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14197 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14198 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14210 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14211 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14212 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14213 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14214 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14215 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14216 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14217 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14218 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14219 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14220 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14221 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14230 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14222 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14223 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14224 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14225 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14226 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14227 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14228 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14229 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14240 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14241 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14242 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14243 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14244 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14245 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14246 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14247 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14248 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14249 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14250 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14251 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14260 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14252 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14253 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14254 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14255 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14256 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14257 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14258 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14259 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14270 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14271 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14272 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14273 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14274 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14275 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14276 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14277 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14278 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14279 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14280 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14281 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14290 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14282 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14283 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14284 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14285 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14286 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14287 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14288 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14289 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14300 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14301 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14302 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14303 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14304 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14305 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14306 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14307 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14308 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14309 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14310 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14311 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14320 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14312 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14313 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14314 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14315 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14316 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14317 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14318 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 133199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 135199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 137199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 139199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 141199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 143199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 145199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 147199 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14330 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14331 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14332 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14333 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14334 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14335 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14336 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14337 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14338 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14339 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14340 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777215 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14341 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14350 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16383 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14342 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 16777216 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14343 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14344 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14345 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14346 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14347 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14348 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 349 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 2349 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 4349 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 6349 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 8349 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 10349 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 12349 } itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 14349 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { r0(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "L1 Basic version." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1100 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is L1 Information available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1096 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicTimeInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ni(0), incms(1), incus(2), incns(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the presence or absence of timing information in the current frame, and the precision to which it is signaled. L1B_time_info_flag=00 - Time information is not included in the current frame L1B_time_info_flag=01 - Time information is included in the current frame and signaled to ms precision L1B_time_info_flag=10 - Time information is included in the current frame and signaled to us precision L1B_time_info_flag=11 - Time information is included in the current frame and signaled to ns precision" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1097 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicPapr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), tr(1), ace(2), trace(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PAPR Reduction type." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1101 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicframelengthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { time(0), symbol(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The duration of a frame can be specified in one of two ways, time-aligned or symbol-aligned. A time-aligned frame shall use the signaled guard interval length for each subframe within the frame to define a minimum guard interval length for each non-preamble OFDM symbol within a frame. An overall frame length shall be signaled for a time-aligned frame, where the frame length shall be equal to the sum of the lengths of the bootstrap, the preamble and the subframe(s) contained within the frame. A time-aligned frame can be recognized by signaling of L1B_frame_length_mode=0. A symbol-aligned frame shall use the signaled guard interval lengths for OFDM symbols and shall not insert any extra samples into any guard intervals within the frame or into any other portions of the frame. A symbol-aligned frame can be recognized by signaling of L1B_frame_length_mode=1. The maximum duration of a frame shall be 5s. The minimum duration shall be 50 ms." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1102 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicframelengthValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 x5ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When L1B_frame_length_mode=0, this field shall indicate the time period measured from the beginning of the first sample of the bootstrap associated. with the current frame to the end of the final sample associated with the current frame (i.e. the signaled frame length also includes the length of the bootstrap). The time period indicated shall be expressed in units of 5 ms When L1B_frame_length_mode=1, L1B_frame_length shall be set to 0." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1103 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicSubframes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set to the number of subframes present within the current frame. With a maximum of 4 subframes" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1104 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicBsid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast Stream ID" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1117 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicpreamblereducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the preamble is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the preamble symbols of the current frame with the exception of the first preamble symbol. See Section for details. When there is only one preamble symbol, the value of this field shall be zero." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1105 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1basicl1dFectype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ft1(0), ft2(1), ft3(2), ft4(3), ft5(4), ft6(5), ft7(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FEC type for L1-detail information protection." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1106 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1107 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1307 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1507 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3Fft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { f8k(0), f16k(1), f32k(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the FFT size associated with the first subframe of the current frame." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1707 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1108 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1308 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1508 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3reducedCarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of control units of carriers by which the maximum number of carriers for the FFT size used for the first subframe of the current frame is reduced. This carrier reduction shall apply to all of the symbols of the first subframe of the current frame (see Section 0 for details)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1708 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1109 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1309 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1509 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3GuardInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), g1-192(1), g2-384(2), g3-512(3), g4-768(4), g5-1024(5), g6-1536(6), g7-2048(7), g8-2432(8), g9-3072(9), g10-3648(10), g11-4096(11), g12-4864(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the guard interval length used for the OFDM symbols of the first subframe of the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1709 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1110 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1310 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1510 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3OfdmSymbols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to one less than the total number of data payload OFDM symbols, including any subframe boundary symbol(s), present within the first subframe of the current frame. OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling shall not be included within this count, although OFDM symbols containing preamble signaling may also carry portions of PLPs associated with the first subframe of a frame if data cells are available on those OFDM symbols." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1710 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1111 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1311 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1511 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3ScatteredPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp3-2(0), sp3-4(1), sp4-2(2), sp4-4(3), sp6-2(4), sp6-4(5), sp8-2(6), sp8-4(7), sp12-2(8), sp12-4(9), sp16-2(10), sp16-4(11), sp24-2(12), sp24-4(13), sp32-2(14), sp32-4(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the scattered pilot pattern used for the first subframe of the current subframe as given in Table 9.9 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.10 for MIMO. SP pattern values (e.g. SP3_2, MIMO3_2) shall be as defined in Table 8.2 (SISO) and Table J.11.1 (MIMO)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1711 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1112 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1312 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1512 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3ScatteredPilotBoost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the amplitude of the scattered pilots used for the first subframe of the current frame as given in Table 9.11 and Table 9.12." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1712 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1113 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1313 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1513 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3SbsFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=0 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS NOT a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_first=1 shall indicate that the first symbol of the first subframe of the current frame IS a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1713 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1114 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1314 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1514 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3SbsLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), boundary(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate whether or not the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=0 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is not a subframe boundary symbol. L1B_First_Sub_sbs_last=1 shall indicate that the last symbol of the first subframe of the current frame is a subframe boundary symbol." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1714 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1118 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1318 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1518 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3FrequencyInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency Interleaver Selector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1718 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1119 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1319 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1519 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the total number of PLPs used within the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1719 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1120 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1320 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1520 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1720 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1121 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1321 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1521 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1721 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1122 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1322 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1522 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1722 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1123 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1323 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1523 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1723 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1124 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1324 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1524 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1724 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1125 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1325 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1525 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1725 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1126 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1326 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1526 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1726 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1127 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1327 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1527 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1727 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1128 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1328 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1528 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1728 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1129 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1329 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1529 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1729 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72130 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72330 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72530 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72730 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1140 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1340 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1540 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1740 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1141 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1341 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1541 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1741 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1130 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1330 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1530 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1730 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1131 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1331 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1531 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1731 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1132 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1332 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1532 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1732 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1133 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1333 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1533 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1733 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1134 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1334 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1534 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1734 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1135 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1335 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1535 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1735 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1136 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1336 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1536 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1736 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1137 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1337 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1537 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1737 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1138 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1338 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1538 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1738 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1139 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1339 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1539 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1739 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1150 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1350 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1550 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1750 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1151 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1351 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1551 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1751 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1152 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1352 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1552 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1752 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1153 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1353 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1553 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1753 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1154 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1354 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1554 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1754 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1155 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1355 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1555 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1755 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1156 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1356 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1556 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1756 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1157 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1357 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1557 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1757 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1158 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1358 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1558 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1758 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1159 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1359 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1559 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1759 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71160 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71360 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71560 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71760 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1170 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1370 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1570 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1770 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1171 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1371 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1571 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1771 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1160 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1360 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1560 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1760 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1161 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1361 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1561 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1761 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1162 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1362 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1562 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1762 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1163 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1363 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1563 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1763 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1164 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1364 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1564 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1764 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1165 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1365 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1565 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1765 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1166 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1366 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1566 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1766 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1167 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1367 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1567 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1767 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1168 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1368 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1568 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1768 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1169 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1369 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1569 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp1LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 1769 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71180 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71380 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71580 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71780 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71181 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71381 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71581 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71781 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71182 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71382 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71582 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71782 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71183 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71383 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71583 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71783 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71184 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71384 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71584 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71784 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71185 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71385 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71585 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71785 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71186 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71386 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71586 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71786 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71187 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71387 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71587 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71787 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71188 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71388 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71588 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71788 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71189 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71389 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71589 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71789 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71190 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71390 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71590 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71790 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71200 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71400 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71600 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71800 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71202 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71402 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71602 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71802 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71201 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71401 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71601 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71801 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71191 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71391 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71591 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71791 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71192 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71392 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71592 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71792 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71193 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71393 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71593 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71793 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71194 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71394 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71594 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71794 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71195 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71395 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71595 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71795 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71196 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71396 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71596 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71796 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71197 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71397 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71597 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71797 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71198 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71398 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71598 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71798 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71199 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71399 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71599 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp2LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71799 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71210 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71410 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71610 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71810 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71211 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71411 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71611 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71811 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71212 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71412 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71612 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71812 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71213 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71413 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71613 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71813 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71214 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71414 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71614 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71814 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71215 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71415 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71615 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71815 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71216 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71416 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71616 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71816 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71217 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71417 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71617 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71817 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71218 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71418 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71618 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71818 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71219 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71419 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71619 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71819 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71220 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71420 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71620 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71820 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71230 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71430 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71630 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71830 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71232 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71432 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71632 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71832 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71231 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71431 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71631 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71831 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71221 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71421 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71621 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71821 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71222 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71422 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71622 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71822 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71223 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71423 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71623 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71823 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71224 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71424 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71624 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71824 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71225 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71425 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71625 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71825 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71226 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71426 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71626 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71826 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71227 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71427 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71627 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71827 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71228 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71428 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71628 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71828 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71229 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71429 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71629 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp3LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71829 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71240 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71440 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71640 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71840 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71241 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71441 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71641 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71841 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71242 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71442 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71642 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71842 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71243 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71443 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71643 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71843 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71244 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71444 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71644 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71844 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71245 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71445 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71645 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71845 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71246 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71446 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71646 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71846 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71247 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71447 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71647 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71847 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71248 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71448 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71648 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71848 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71249 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71449 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71649 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71849 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71250 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71450 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71650 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71850 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71260 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71460 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71660 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71860 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71262 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71462 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71662 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71862 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71261 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71461 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71661 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71861 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71251 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71451 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71651 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71851 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71252 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71452 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71652 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71852 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71253 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71453 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71653 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71853 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71254 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71454 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71654 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71854 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71255 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71455 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71655 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71855 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71256 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71456 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71656 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71856 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71257 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71457 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71657 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71857 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71258 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71458 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71658 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71858 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71259 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71459 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71659 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp4LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71859 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71270 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71470 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71670 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71870 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71271 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71471 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71671 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71871 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71272 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71472 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71672 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71872 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71273 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71473 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71673 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71873 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71274 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71474 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71674 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71874 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71275 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71475 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71675 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71875 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71276 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71476 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71676 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71876 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71277 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71477 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71677 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71877 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71278 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71478 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71678 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71878 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71279 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71479 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71679 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71879 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72280 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72480 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72680 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72880 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71290 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71490 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71690 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71890 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71291 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71491 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71691 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71891 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71280 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71480 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71680 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71880 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71281 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71481 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71681 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71881 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71282 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71482 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71682 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71882 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71283 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71483 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71683 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71883 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71284 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71484 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71684 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71884 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71285 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71485 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71685 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71885 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71286 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71486 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71686 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71886 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71287 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71487 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71687 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71887 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71288 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71488 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71688 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71888 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71289 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71489 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71689 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp5LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71889 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71300 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71500 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71700 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71900 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71301 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71501 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71701 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71901 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71302 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71502 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71702 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71902 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71303 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71503 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71703 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71903 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71304 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71504 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71704 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71904 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71305 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71505 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71705 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71905 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71306 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71506 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71706 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71906 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71307 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71507 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71707 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71907 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71308 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71508 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71708 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71908 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71309 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71509 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71709 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71909 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72310 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72510 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72710 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72910 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71320 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71520 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71720 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71920 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71321 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71521 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71721 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71921 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71310 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71510 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71710 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71910 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71311 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71511 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71711 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71911 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71312 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71512 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71712 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71912 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71313 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71513 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71713 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71913 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71314 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71514 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71714 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71914 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71315 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71515 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71715 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71915 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71316 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71516 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71716 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71916 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71317 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71517 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71717 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71917 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71318 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71518 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71718 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71918 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71319 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71519 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71719 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71919 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71330 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71530 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71730 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the ID of the current PLP, with a range from 0 to 63, inclusive." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71930 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71331 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71531 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71731 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Layer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the layer index of the current PLP. L1D_plp_layer=0 shall correspond to the core layer, whereas L1D_plp_layer>0 shall correspond to an enhanced layer. For ATSC 3.0, L1D_plp_layer shall only be set to values of 0 or 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71931 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71332 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71532 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71732 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7ScramblerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the choice of scrambler type for the PLP as given in Table 9.21. Scrambler defined in Section 5.2.3" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71932 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71333 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71533 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71733 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7FecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bl16(0), bl64(1), cl16(2), cl64(3), l16(4), l64(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method used for encoding the current PLP. The correspondence between a signaled value of L1D_plp_fec_type and a particular FEC method shall be as given in Table 9.22. Here, 16K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 16200 coded bits per code block, and 64K LDPC refers to the LDPC FEC coding that generates a set of 64800 coded bits per code block." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71933 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71334 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71534 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71734 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Modulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk(0), qam16nuc(1), qam64nuc(2), qam256nuc(3), qam1024nuc(4), qam4096nuc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the modulation used for the current PLP as given in Table 9.23 for SISO, and as given in Table 9.24 for MIMO.. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71934 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71335 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71535 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71735 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Coderate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { c2r15(0), c3r15(1), c4r15(2), c5r15(3), c6r15(4), c7r15(5), c8r15(6), c9r15(7), c10r15(8), c11r15(9), c12r15(10), c13r15(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the coding rate used for the current PLP. Table 9.23 lists the details and number for each modulation and coding combination. Modulations of 1024QAM-NUC and 4096QAM-NUC shall only be indicated when L1D_plp_fec_type for the same PLP indicates a 64K LDPC." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71935 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71336 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71536 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71736 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nondispersed(0), dispersed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall be set to L1D_plp_type=0 when the current PLP is non-dispersed (i.e. all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is not used for the current PLP) or to L1D_plp_type=1 when the current PLP is dispersed (i.e. not all data cells of the current PLP have contiguous logical addresses and subslicing is used for the current PLP). L1D_plp_type shall only be present when L1D_plp_layer=0 (i.e. only core-layer PLPs have a PLP type associated with them)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71936 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71337 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71537 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71737 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7TiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), cti(1), hti(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the time interleaving mode for the PLP as given in Table 9.26." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71937 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71338 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71538 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71738 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7TiExtended OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether extended interleaving is to be used for this PLP. A value of 1 shall indicate that extended interleaving is used. A value of 0 shall indicate that extended interleaving is not used. A value of 1 shall only be selected when the modulation of the PLP is QPSK. A value of 1 shall not be selected when LDM is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71938 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71339 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71539 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71739 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7CtiDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d0(0), d1(1), d2(2), d3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the number of rows used in the convolutional time interleaver, including the row without any delay. L1D_plp_CTI_depth shall be signaled according to Table 9.29." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71939 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72340 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72540 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72740 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Available OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is PLP available" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72940 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71350 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71550 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71750 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7UserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available throuput for this PLP, the sum of every stream's throughput, mapped to this plp, should not exceed this value." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71950 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71351 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71551 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71751 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7CurrentUserRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bitrate for this PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71951 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71340 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71540 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71740 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall be set equal to the index of the data cell that holds the first data cell of the current PLP in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71940 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71341 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71541 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71741 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a PLP L1D_plp_size shall indicate the total number of data cells contained by the PLP for the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71941 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71342 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71542 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71742 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7SubsliceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to one less than the actual number of subslices used for the current PLP within the current subframe. L1D_plp_num_subslices=0 shall be a reserved value, since it is not possible for a dispersed PLP to have only one subslice. The maximum allowable value for L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be 16383, corresponding to 16384 actual subslices. L1D_plp_num_subslices shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71942 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71343 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71543 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71743 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7SubsliceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall only be included when L1D_plp_type=1 and shall be set equal to the number of sequentially-indexed data cells measured from the beginning of a subslice for a PLP to the beginning of the next subslice for the same PLP. As an illustrative example, if L1D_plp_start=100 and L1D_plp_subslice_interval=250, then the first data cell of the first subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100, and the first data cell of the second subslice of the current PLP would be located at index 100+250=350. L1D_plp_subslice_interval shall be set for each dispersed PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71943 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71344 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71544 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71744 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate the hybrid time interleaving mode. L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe OFF shall indicate that inter-subframe interleaving is not used (i.e. only intra-subframe interleaving is used). L1D_plp_HTI_inter_frame ON shall indicate that intersubframe interleaving is used with one TI Block per interleaving frame spread over multiple subframes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71944 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71345 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71545 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71745 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field shall indicate either the number of TI Blocks per interleaving frame, NTI, when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=0 or the number of subframes, NIU, over which cells from one TI Block are carried when L1D_plp_HTI_inter_subframe=1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71945 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71346 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71546 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71746 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field the maximum number of FEC Blocks per interleaving frame for the current PLP." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71946 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71347 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71547 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71747 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of FEC Blocks in the interleaving frame that begins in the current subframe." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71947 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71348 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71548 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71748 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag shall indicate whether the Cell Interleaver is used." ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71948 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71349 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71549 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71749 } itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { db00(0), db05(1), db10(2), db15(3), db20(4), db25(5), db30(6), db35(7), db40(8), db45(9), db50(10), db60(11), db70(12), db80(13), db90(14), db100(15), db110(16), db120(17), db130(18), db140(19), db150(20), db160(21), db170(22), db180(23), db190(24), db200(25), db210(26), db220(27), db230(28), db240(29), db250(30) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDM Injection Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 71949 } itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable LMT insertion on scheduler mode" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72001 } itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standard(0), korean(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LMT Compatibility Mode" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72002 } itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 100 .. 5000 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interval in milliseconds in which LMT will be sent out" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72003 } itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtLlsLmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LLS in LMT" ::= { itmex2atsc30Mode 72004 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Input sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30InputRefOcxoDevType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tcxo-int(0), ocxo-pt3710-10(1), ocxo-pt3710-20(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of TCXO/OCXO" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 90 } itmex2atsc30InputRefOcxoCalDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Calibration Date" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 91 } itmex2atsc30InputRefOcxoCalVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Calibration SW Version" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 92 } itmex2atsc30InputRefDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { input(0), output(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "monitors the Reference signal direction. state: - inputOutput[inputOutput_INPUT] - inputOutput[inputOutput_OUTPUT]" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 1 } itmex2atsc30InputRefSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), ext(1), int(2), gps(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the input reference synchronisation source. If the value AUTO is chosen, the source is chosen automatically between available sources. The order of choice is GPS->EXT10MHz->INT. If the value EXT is chosen, the external clock is chosen as source If the value INT is chosen, the internal clock is chosen as source. If the value GPS is chosen, the GNSS 1PPS clock is chosen as source." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 2 } itmex2atsc30InputRefStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { external(0), external-10mhz(1), external-1pps(2), internal(3), gnss(4), asi1(5), asi2(6), ndel(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "returns the current input reference synchronisation source." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 11 } itmex2atsc30InputRef10MhzImpedance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { o-50(0), himp(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the external 10 MHz input reference synchronisation source impedance. The value is either 50O or high impedance." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 3 } itmex2atsc30InputRef10MhzHoldoverDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 172800 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the external 10 MHz input reference synchronisation source impedance. The value is either 50O or high impedance." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 7 } itmex2atsc30InputRef10MhzHoldoverForever OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The holdover delay for input reference source 10MHz failure is forever" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 8 } itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSImpedance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { o-50(0), himp(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the external 1 PPS input reference synchronisation source impedance. The value is either 50ohm or high impedance." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 4 } itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSHoldoverDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 172800 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the external 1 PPS input reference synchronisation source impedance. The value is either 50ohm or high impedance." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 9 } itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSHoldoverForever OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The holdover delay for input reference source 1 pps failure is forever" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 10 } itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSTrigSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rising(0), falling(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the trigger edge of the external 1PPS input reference clock. The value is either RISING or FALLING." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 5 } itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSTrigLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 10 .. 16 ) UNITS "0.1 v" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the trigger level of the external 1PPS input reference clock" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 6 } itmex2atsc30InputAutoRoutingDelayHp2Lp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 300 ) UNITS "1 secs" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The delay before performing the actual substitution where Primary -> LP and Secondary -> HP" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 15 } itmex2atsc30InputAutoRoutingDelayLp2Hp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 300 ) UNITS "1 secs" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The delay before performing the actual substitution where Primary -> HP and Secondary -> LP" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 16 } itmex2atsc30InputPrimarySource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { test-signal(8), rx1(9), rx2(10),rx3(11), rx4(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Primary input source connector selected" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 12 } itmex2atsc30InputSecondarySource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { test-signal(8), rx1(9), rx2(10),rx3(11), rx4(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Secondary input source connector selected" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 13 } itmex2atsc30InputAutoRoutingPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { only-use-primary(0), only-use-secondary(1), use-primary-if-available(2), use-any-available(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The policy to use for input auto routing" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 14 } itmex2atsc30InputTSPrimaryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { available(0), unavailable(1), nosync(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state for TS-Primary. Unavailable means violation of alarms." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 36 } itmex2atsc30InputTSSecondaryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { available(0), unavailable(1), nosync(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state for TS-Secondary. Unavailable means violation of alarms." ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 37 } itmex2atsc30InputHp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { test-signal(8), rx1(9), rx2(10),rx3(11), rx4(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input source currently On Air. (HP)" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 38 } itmex2atsc30InputLp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { test-signal(8), rx1(9), rx2(10),rx3(11), rx4(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input source currently used as backup. (LP)" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 39 } itmex2atsc30InputEffectiveAutoroutingPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { only-primary(0), only-secondary(1), prefer-primary(2), any-available(3), seamless(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reflects the effective Autorouting Policy" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 40 } itmex2atsc30InputHpBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Kb/s" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current bitrate for On Air. (HP)" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 41 } itmex2atsc30InputLpBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Kb/s" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current bitrate for Backup. (LP)" ::= { itmex2atsc30Input 47 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Output sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30OutputBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 60 .. 80 ) UNITS "0.1 MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Bandwidth" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 4 } itmex2atsc30OutputChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 21 .. 69 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel settings" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 5 } itmex2atsc30OutputSynchronized OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-synchronized(0), synchronized(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The values of itmex2atsc30OutputRfFrequency, itmex2atsc30OutputBandwidth and itmex2atsc30OutputChannel are synchronized aaccording to freq = (bw * channel) + 306000000." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 6 } itmex2atsc30OutputPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 280 .. 490 ) UNITS "0.1 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired output power level." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 9 } itmex2atsc30OutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), standby(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control RF output mode" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1 } itmex2atsc30OutputEffectiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.01 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Effective RF Output Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 17 } itmex2atsc30OutputActualLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.01 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual RF Output Level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 18 } itmex2atsc30OutputPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { norm(0), inv(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control output polarity" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 8 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 30000000 .. 860000000 ) UNITS "1 Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output RF frequency" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 2 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfFrequencyOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -8388608 .. 8388607 ) UNITS "1 Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output RF frequency offset" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 10 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1000 .. 1000 ) UNITS "0.01 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sets the output level in 0.01dB steps, 0dB is +6dBm on IF, 0dBm on RF" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 3 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), const(1), auto(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control whether Cable Level loss compensation should be enabled" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 50 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableConstantLevelOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -10000 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.001 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Constant level offset to add to RF Output level. Only used if mode is Constant." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 51 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -10000 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.001 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency depedent level offset to add to RF Output level. Only used if mode is Automatic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 52 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -10000 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.001 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency depedent level offset to add to RF Output level. Only used if mode is Automatic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 53 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -10000 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.001 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency depedent level offset to add to RF Output level. Only used if mode is Automatic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 54 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -10000 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.001 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency depedent level offset to add to RF Output level. Only used if mode is Automatic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 55 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -10000 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.001 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency depedent level offset to add to RF Output level. Only used if mode is Automatic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 56 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -10000 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.001 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency depedent level offset to add to RF Output level. Only used if mode is Automatic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 57 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedActualLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.01 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detected Output Level for RF" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 19 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedLowerLevelLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 2 .. 50 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Limit to how much lower the detected RF output level can be than the configured level." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 20 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedLowerLevelcontrol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether the lower limit for RF output level is enforced." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 21 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedHigherLevelLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 2 .. 50 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Limit to how much higher the detected RF output level can be than the configured level." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 22 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedHigherLevelcontrol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether the higher limit for RF output level is enforced." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 23 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether the ALC system is enabled or disabled." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 30 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcSense OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rfsense1(0), rfsense2(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls which sense port is used by the ALC system if the ALC is enabled." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 31 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcSetpointPort1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -11000 .. 11000 ) UNITS "0.01 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ALC setpoint for RF Sense Port 1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 32 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcSetpointPort2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -11000 .. 11000 ) UNITS "0.01 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ALC setpoint for RF Sense Port 2" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 33 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcMarkSetpoint1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mark the current RF output level as setpoint for RF Sense Port1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 36 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcMarkSetpoint2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mark the current RF output level as setpoint for RF Sense Port2." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 37 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status for whether the ALC system is enabled or disabled." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 34 } itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcStatusInformation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the state of the ALC system." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 35 } itmex2atsc30OutputMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control Output Rf Mute User request. Output mute. When set the mute reason UserRequest is ORed into the mute reason set. When read it is the logical OR of all mute reasons" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 7 } itmex2atsc30OutputMuteReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mute reason." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 58 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus1Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1000 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus2Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1002 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus3Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1004 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus4Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1006 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus5Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1008 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus6Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1010 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus7Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1012 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus8Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1014 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus9Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1016 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus10Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1018 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus11Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1020 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus12Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1022 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus1Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1001 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus2Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1003 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus3Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1005 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus4Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1007 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus5Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1009 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus6Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1011 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus7Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1013 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus8Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1015 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus9Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1017 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus10Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1019 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus11Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1021 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus12Param OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the param field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1023 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm1Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1030 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm2Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1032 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm3Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1034 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm4Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1036 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm5Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1038 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm6Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1040 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm7Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1042 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm8Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1044 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm9Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1046 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm10Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1048 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm11Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1050 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm12Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the text field." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1052 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1031 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1033 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm3Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1035 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm4Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1037 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm5Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1039 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm6Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1041 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm7Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1043 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm8Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1045 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm9Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1047 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm10Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1049 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm11Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1051 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm12Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), alarm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Alarm Status OK-0 ALARM-1" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1053 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaPowerForward OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 Watt" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA forward power." ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1100 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaPowerReflected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 Watt" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA reflected power" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1101 } itmex2atsc30OutputHpaPowerHeatsinkTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 C" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA heat sink temperatur in celcius" ::= { itmex2atsc30Output 1102 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 GPS sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30GpsInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines wheter to use gps. Depends on Options in effect" ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 20 } itmex2atsc30GpsMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GNSS in maintenance mode. i.e. upgrade firmware. !!!DO NOT POWER OFF, when in this mode you may brick the GNSS module!!!" ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 100 } itmex2atsc30GpsBias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the bias to be either on or off for the GPS antenna DC supply (5V or 3V DC). An active GPS antenna requires a power supply i.e. requires this parameter to set to ON." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 4 } itmex2atsc30GpsbiasVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gpsant-5v(0), gpsant-33v(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the gps antenna bias voltage. An active GPS antenna requires a power supply of either 3V or 5V." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 15 } itmex2atsc30GpsCableDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -3000 .. 3000 ) UNITS "0.1 ns" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the antenna cable compensation delay. If the GPS antenna is situated far away from the receiver itself the signal will be delayed and must be compensated." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 12 } itmex2atsc30GpsHoldoverForever OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines whether the GPS system is allowed to operate infinitely (YES) following loss of GPS locking using the internal GPS chip oscillator or not (NO).In case NO is chosen the GPS holdover time applies." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 11 } itmex2atsc30GpsHoldoverTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 172800 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the GPS holdover time. This value is ignored if the holdover forever (see below) is set to YES If the GPS locking is lost the system is allowed to continue operating for holdover time seconds using the internal GPS chip oscillator. If - when the holdover time interval expires - the GPS locking it still lost, the GPS operation will be maintained using external timing if present. If external timing is not present the GPS operation will be maintained using the internal motherboard oscillator." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 10 } itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemGPS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether GPS satellites are used to obtain position and timing information." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 16 } itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemGLONASS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether GLONASS satellites are used to obtain position and timing information." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 17 } itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemGALILEO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether GALILEO satellites are used to obtain position and timing information." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 18 } itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemCOMPASS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether COMPASS satellites are used to obtain position and timing information." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 19 } itmex2atsc30GpsVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the GPS chip firmware version as a string." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 9 } itmex2atsc30Gps1PPSStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(0), unlocked(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the current locking state of the GPS system. The value LOCKED indicates that the GPS system is locked to a sufficient number of satellites to perform well. UNLOCKED indicates that it is not. For the GPS system to perform well at least 4 satellites must be visible with a proper signal to noise ratio." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 1 } itmex2atsc30GpsTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns - as a string - the current date and time derived from the received GPS signal(s). The string format is DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS according to the following: - DD in [1..31] means the day, - MM in [1..12] means the month, - YYYY in [0 .. 9999] means the year, - HH in [0 .. 23] means the hour, - MM in [0 .. 59] means the minute, and - SS in [0 .. 59] means the second. Time is in UTC time zone (i.e. GMT) which in turn means that daylight saving time does not apply." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 21 } itmex2atsc30GpsState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a string describing the GPS state. For informational purposes." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 13 } itmex2atsc30GpsVisibleSatellitesSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dBHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the average signal to noise ratio of all visible satellites via the built-in GPS receiver" ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 14 } itmex2atsc30GpsTrackedSatellitesSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dBHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the average signal to noise ratio of all tracked satellites via the built-in GPS receiver" ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 22 } itmex2atsc30GpsVisibleSatellites OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the number of currently visible satellites via the built-in GPS receiver. A satellite is visible if at all detectable by the GPS system i.e. regardless of signal to noise ratio. Note that the upper value N can change with the launch of new satellites. For some time, however, the GPS system has had a total of 24 satellites." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 2 } itmex2atsc30GpsTrackedSatellites OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the number of currently tracked satellites via the GPS receiver." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 3 } itmex2atsc30GpsLongtitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns - as a string - the current longtitude derived from the received GPS signal(s). The string format is DDD MM SS C. according to the following: - DD denotes degrees in the intervals [0 .. 180]. MM and SS denote minutes/seconds in the interval [0 .. 59]. C denotes E, W (East, West)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 6 } itmex2atsc30GpsLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns - as a string - the current latitude derived from the received GPS signal(s). The string format is DD MM SS C. according to the following: - DD denotes degrees in the intervals [0 .. 90]. MM and SS denote minutes/seconds in the interval [0 .. 59]. C denotes N, S (North, South)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 7 } itmex2atsc30GpsAltitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns - as a string - the current altitude derived from the received GPS signal(s). The string format is HHHH.c;. according to the following: HHHH.c denotes the altitude in metres with one digit after the comma. The altitude can be negative." ::= { itmex2atsc30Gps 8 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 ChannelFilters sub-tree -- -- -- Itmex2atsc30 ATSC30 Input driver sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30IpRx1ReceiverEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 15 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2ReceiverEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 45 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3ReceiverEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 75 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4ReceiverEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 105 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1LanSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flan(0), alan(1), tlan(2), blan(3), plan(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which virtual LAN interface to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 11 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2LanSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flan(0), alan(1), tlan(2), blan(3), plan(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which virtual LAN interface to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 41 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3LanSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flan(0), alan(1), tlan(2), blan(3), plan(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which virtual LAN interface to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 71 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4LanSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flan(0), alan(1), tlan(2), blan(3), plan(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which virtual LAN interface to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 101 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1Multicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of Multicast IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator. If disabled, only unicast IP/UDP packets are considdered." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 12 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2Multicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of Multicast IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator. If disabled, only unicast IP/UDP packets are considdered." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 42 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3Multicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of Multicast IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator. If disabled, only unicast IP/UDP packets are considdered." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 72 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4Multicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the reception of Multicast IP/UDP packets with transport stream data to be forward into the modulator. If disabled, only unicast IP/UDP packets are considdered." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 102 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1FecProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the usage of SMPTE-2022, if it's available on the STLTP stram." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 8 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2FecProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the usage of SMPTE-2022, if it's available on the STLTP stram." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 38 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3FecProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the usage of SMPTE-2022, if it's available on the STLTP stram." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 68 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4FecProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the usage of SMPTE-2022, if it's available on the STLTP stram." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 98 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1Portnumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which UDP port number to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 14 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2Portnumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which UDP port number to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 44 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3Portnumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which UDP port number to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 74 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4Portnumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which UDP port number to receive IP/UDP packets from." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 104 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1PacketErrorRatioLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 500 ) UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies limit for the Packet Error Ratio. If the limit is exceeded and alarm is raised." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 16 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2PacketErrorRatioLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 500 ) UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies limit for the Packet Error Ratio. If the limit is exceeded and alarm is raised." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 46 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3PacketErrorRatioLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 500 ) UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies limit for the Packet Error Ratio. If the limit is exceeded and alarm is raised." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 76 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4PacketErrorRatioLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 500 ) UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies limit for the Packet Error Ratio. If the limit is exceeded and alarm is raised." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 106 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1MinumimLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 5000 ) UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only relevant in STL Mode. Specifies the minimum time incoming data is buffered. The value configured might be modified by FEC row/column sized on the incoming data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 10 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2MinumimLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 5000 ) UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only relevant in STL Mode. Specifies the minimum time incoming data is buffered. The value configured might be modified by FEC row/column sized on the incoming data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 40 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3MinumimLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 5000 ) UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only relevant in STL Mode. Specifies the minimum time incoming data is buffered. The value configured might be modified by FEC row/column sized on the incoming data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 70 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4MinumimLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 5000 ) UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only relevant in STL Mode. Specifies the minimum time incoming data is buffered. The value configured might be modified by FEC row/column sized on the incoming data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 100 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1SyncTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 16 .. 250 ) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum time accepted between received STL packages." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 9 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2SyncTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 16 .. 250 ) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum time accepted between received STL packages." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 39 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3SyncTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 16 .. 250 ) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum time accepted between received STL packages." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 69 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4SyncTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 16 .. 250 ) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum time accepted between received STL packages." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 99 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(0), unlocked(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status of the receiver. Locked means minimum of 3 IP/UDP frames received per second." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 17 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(0), unlocked(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status of the receiver. Locked means minimum of 3 IP/UDP frames received per second." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 47 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(0), unlocked(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status of the receiver. Locked means minimum of 3 IP/UDP frames received per second." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 77 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(0), unlocked(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status of the receiver. Locked means minimum of 3 IP/UDP frames received per second." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 107 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1CurrentIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current receive IP address for the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 18 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2CurrentIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current receive IP address for the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 48 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3CurrentIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current receive IP address for the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 78 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4CurrentIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current receive IP address for the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 108 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1CurrentDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical interface bound to this Rx." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 13 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2CurrentDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical interface bound to this Rx." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 43 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3CurrentDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical interface bound to this Rx." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 73 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4CurrentDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical interface bound to this Rx." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 103 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1IpBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 Mbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current bitrate of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 26 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2IpBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 Mbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current bitrate of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 56 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3IpBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 Mbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current bitrate of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 86 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4IpBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 Mbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current bitrate of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 116 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1PacketErrorRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current error ratio of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 20 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2PacketErrorRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current error ratio of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 50 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3PacketErrorRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current error ratio of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 80 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4PacketErrorRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the current error ratio of uncoming traffic for this UDP port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 110 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1SequenceErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of sequence errors on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 19 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2SequenceErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of sequence errors on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 49 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3SequenceErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of sequence errors on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 79 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4SequenceErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of sequence errors on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 109 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1LostIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of lost IP frames on the channel on the TSoIP interface. The sequence numbers of frames employed by the RTP protocol are used to determine this statistic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 21 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2LostIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of lost IP frames on the channel on the TSoIP interface. The sequence numbers of frames employed by the RTP protocol are used to determine this statistic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 51 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3LostIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of lost IP frames on the channel on the TSoIP interface. The sequence numbers of frames employed by the RTP protocol are used to determine this statistic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 81 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4LostIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of lost IP frames on the channel on the TSoIP interface. The sequence numbers of frames employed by the RTP protocol are used to determine this statistic." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 111 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1CorrectedIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of corrected IP frames (via FEC) on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 22 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2CorrectedIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of corrected IP frames (via FEC) on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 52 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3CorrectedIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of corrected IP frames (via FEC) on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 82 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4CorrectedIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of corrected IP frames (via FEC) on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 112 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1OverrunIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of IP frames lost on the channel on the TSoIP interface due to overrun. Overrun happens when the outgoing rate of the modulator is lower that the incoming rate of TSoIP data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 30 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2OverrunIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of IP frames lost on the channel on the TSoIP interface due to overrun. Overrun happens when the outgoing rate of the modulator is lower that the incoming rate of TSoIP data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 60 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3OverrunIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of IP frames lost on the channel on the TSoIP interface due to overrun. Overrun happens when the outgoing rate of the modulator is lower that the incoming rate of TSoIP data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 90 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4OverrunIPFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of IP frames lost on the channel on the TSoIP interface due to overrun. Overrun happens when the outgoing rate of the modulator is lower that the incoming rate of TSoIP data." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 120 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1FecColumn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Column (L) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 23 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2FecColumn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Column (L) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 53 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3FecColumn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Column (L) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 83 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4FecColumn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Column (L) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 113 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1FecRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Row (D) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 24 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2FecRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Row (D) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 54 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3FecRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Row (D) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 84 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4FecRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent FEC Row (D) number for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 114 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1QueueSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 Frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent queue size for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 27 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2QueueSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 Frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent queue size for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 57 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3QueueSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 Frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent queue size for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 87 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4QueueSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 Frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The curent queue size for this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 117 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1CurrentLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current latency incurrent by queue size on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 28 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2CurrentLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current latency incurrent by queue size on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 58 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3CurrentLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current latency incurrent by queue size on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 88 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4CurrentLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current latency incurrent by queue size on this channel on the TSoIP interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 118 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the phy which is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 31 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the phy which is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 61 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the phy which is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 91 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the phy which is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 121 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1phyDevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display which Ethernet port is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 32 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2phyDevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display which Ethernet port is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 62 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3phyDevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display which Ethernet port is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 92 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4phyDevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display which Ethernet port is bound to this input interface" ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 122 } itmex2atsc30IpRx1SecurityHoldoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Seconds to wait before re-test when channel is deemed unsecure." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 390 } itmex2atsc30IpRx2SecurityHoldoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Seconds to wait before re-test when channel is deemed unsecure." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 420 } itmex2atsc30IpRx3SecurityHoldoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Seconds to wait before re-test when channel is deemed unsecure." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 450 } itmex2atsc30IpRx4SecurityHoldoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Seconds to wait before re-test when channel is deemed unsecure." ::= { itmex2atsc30Ip 480 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Monitor sub-tree -- -- -- itmex2atsc30 Test sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30TestEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), scar(1), sweep2(2), prbs-on(3), prbs-auto(4), zerobootstrap(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "controls the test signal generation. This cannot be used when network mode is SFN. Only a subset is available in repeater mode. test signal output state: - testSignalsArray[testSignals_OFF] Normal operation. No test signal. - testSignalsArray[testSignals_PRBSON] Forced transmission of stuffing data only (null packets) irrespective of the status of the MPEG-2 transport stream input." ::= { itmex2atsc30Test 1 } itmex2atsc30TestEnableReconnect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether the test signal shall reconnect after reset. This value is saved in non-volatile memory and thus survives a reboot. - onOffArray[TEXT_INDEX_OFF] The selected test signal will be set to OFF after reset. - onOffArray[TEXT_INDEX_ON] The selected test signal will be output after reset." ::= { itmex2atsc30Test 2 } itmex2atsc30TestscarrierFrequencyOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -4000000 .. 4000000 ) UNITS "1 Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control frequency offset of the single carrier test signal." ::= { itmex2atsc30Test 4 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Alarm sub-tree -- -- Group Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the group alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 1 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current GroupAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmEntry 10 } -- Primary Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Primary alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 5 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current PrimaryAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmEntry 10 } -- Secondary Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Input Signal alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 6 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current SecondaryAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmEntry 10 } -- SFN Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the SFN alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 7 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current SFNAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmEntry 10 } -- Reference Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Reference alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 8 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current ReferenceAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmEntry 10 } -- RF Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30RFAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the RF alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 9 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current RFAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30RFAlarmEntry 10 } -- GPS Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the GPS alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 10 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current GPSAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmEntry 10 } -- Ip Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30IpAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Ip alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 12 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current IpAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30IpAlarmEntry 10 } -- External Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the External alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 13 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current ExternalAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmEntry 10 } -- HW Monitor Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the HW Monitor alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 14 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current HWMonitorAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmEntry 10 } -- Communications Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Communication alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 15 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current CommsAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEntry 10 } -- Internal Alarm table -- itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Internal alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Alarm 18 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmID } ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmID Integer32, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmDescription DisplayString, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmState INTEGER, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionEventlog INTEGER, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionRelay1 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionRelay2 INTEGER, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionTrap INTEGER, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionEmail INTEGER, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionAlarmLED INTEGER, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionForceMode INTEGER } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 255 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for this alarm" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current InternalAlarm state condition" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionEventlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an event in the eventlog" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionRelay1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay1" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionRelay2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm activate relay2" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 6 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate a trap" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 7 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm generate an email" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 8 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionAlarmLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm turn Alarm LED on frontpanel on" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 9 } itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionForceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mute(1), reboot(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the current alarm mute output" ::= { itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmEntry 10 } -- DVB-T2 Mode-A Alarm table -- -- -- itmex2atsc30 Preset sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30PresetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30PresetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the presets" ::= { itmex2atsc30Preset 1 } itmex2atsc30PresetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30PresetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the presets" INDEX { itmex2atsc30PresetNo } ::= { itmex2atsc30PresetTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30PresetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30PresetNo Integer32, itmex2atsc30PresetName DisplayString } itmex2atsc30PresetNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 10 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique number for this preset" ::= { itmex2atsc30PresetEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30PresetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name for this preset" ::= { itmex2atsc30PresetEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30PresetRecall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 10 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Install this preset into current running parameter set. Value will always read as 0 and setting it to 0 has no effect." ::= { itmex2atsc30Preset 2 } itmex2atsc30PresetStore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 8 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Store the currently running parameter set into this preset Value will always read as 0 and setting it to 0 has no effect." ::= { itmex2atsc30Preset 3 } itmex2atsc30PresetLastRecalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the last recalled preset." ::= { itmex2atsc30Preset 4 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Eventlog sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30EventlogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the group alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Eventlog 1 } itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the alarms" INDEX { itmex2atsc30EventlogNo } ::= { itmex2atsc30EventlogTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30EventlogNo Integer32, itmex2atsc30EventlogID Integer32, itmex2atsc30EventlogTimestamp DateAndTime, itmex2atsc30EventlogText DisplayString } itmex2atsc30EventlogNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 2047 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique number for this event" ::= { itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30EventlogID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this type of event" ::= { itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30EventlogTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp for this event" ::= { itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30EventlogText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text for this event" ::= { itmex2atsc30EventlogEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30EventlogClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear the entire eventlog by setting the value to 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Eventlog 2 } itmex2atsc30EventlogEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable eventlog by setting the value to 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Eventlog 3 } itmex2atsc30EventlogMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fifo(0), full(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set eventlog mode to FIFO for keeping the newest entries. Set eventlog mode to FULL for keeping the oldest entries." ::= { itmex2atsc30Eventlog 4 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Comms sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEmailReceiver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The email address of the receipiant of alarm emails." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 34 } itmex2atsc30CommsNetworkWarnings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warnings about the network configuration." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 888 } itmex2atsc30CommsSeparatedSwitchPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Will the ports on the switch in the backplane forward LAN traffic to each other or will they be separated and only forward traffic to/from the modulator/repeater." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 98 } itmex2atsc30CommsBroadcastStormProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable broadcast (and multicast) storm Protection. This will limit the network ingress rate on physical Ethernet port 0 and 1 to roughly 100mbit/s." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 94 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalPhysicalInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Physical Ethernet Interface of this (virtual) interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 80 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalDhcpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), client(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable DHCP client on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 3 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalStaticIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP address for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalStaticNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP netmask for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 100 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sfinclude(0), sfexclude(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the Multicast Source Filter IP Address list is: SFINCLUDE: ONLY receive multicast frames from the source addresses in the list. SFEXCLUDE: Receive all multicast frames EXCEPT from the source addresses in the list." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 190 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 1 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 200 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 2 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 201 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 3 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 202 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 4 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 203 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 5 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 204 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 6 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 205 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalVlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable VLAN on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 101 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID to use on this interface, if VLAN is enabled. Please note that VLAN ID 4001 and 4002 are used for internal switching and thus cannot be used on any interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 102 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SNMP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 103 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceSCPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SCPI service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 104 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceATSC30 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable ATSC30 service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 105 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceRIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable RIP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 106 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalCurrentIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 4 } itmex2atsc30CommsLocalCurrentNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP netmask for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 5 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 117 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemotePhysicalInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Physical Ethernet Interface of this (virtual) interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 81 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteDhcpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), client(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable DHCP client on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 73 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteStaticIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP address for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 7 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteStaticNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP netmask for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 8 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 110 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sfinclude(0), sfexclude(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the Multicast Source Filter IP Address list is: SFINCLUDE: ONLY receive multicast frames from the source addresses in the list. SFEXCLUDE: Receive all multicast frames EXCEPT from the source addresses in the list." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 191 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 1 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 220 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 2 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 221 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 3 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 222 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 4 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 223 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 5 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 224 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 6 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 225 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteVlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable VLAN on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 111 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID to use on this interface, if VLAN is enabled. Please note that VLAN ID 4001 and 4002 are used for internal switching and thus cannot be used on any interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 112 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SNMP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 113 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceSCPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SCPI service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 114 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceATSC30 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable ATSC30 service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 115 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceWeb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable WEB (http) service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 116 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceRIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable RIP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 118 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteCurrentIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 10 } itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteCurrentNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP netmask for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 11 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 127 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminPhysicalInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Physical Ethernet Interface of this (virtual) interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 82 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminDhcpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), client(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable DHCP client on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 74 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminStaticIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP address for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 13 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminStaticNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP netmask for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 14 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 120 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sfinclude(0), sfexclude(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the Multicast Source Filter IP Address list is: SFINCLUDE: ONLY receive multicast frames from the source addresses in the list. SFEXCLUDE: Receive all multicast frames EXCEPT from the source addresses in the list." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 192 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 1 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 230 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 2 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 231 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 3 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 232 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 4 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 233 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 5 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 234 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 6 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 235 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminVlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable VLAN on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 121 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID to use on this interface, if VLAN is enabled. Please note that VLAN ID 4001 and 4002 are used for internal switching and thus cannot be used on any interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 122 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SNMP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 123 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceSCPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SCPI service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 124 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceATSC30 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable ATSC30 service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 125 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceWeb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable Web (http) service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 126 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceRIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable RIP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 128 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminCurrentIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 16 } itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminCurrentNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP netmask for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 17 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 150 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupPhysicalInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Physical Ethernet Interface of this (virtual) interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 151 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupDhcpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), client(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable DHCP client on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 75 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupStaticIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP address for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 152 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupStaticNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP netmask for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 153 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 154 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sfinclude(0), sfexclude(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the Multicast Source Filter IP Address list is: SFINCLUDE: ONLY receive multicast frames from the source addresses in the list. SFEXCLUDE: Receive all multicast frames EXCEPT from the source addresses in the list." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 193 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 1 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 170 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 2 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 171 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 3 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 172 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 4 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 173 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 5 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 174 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 6 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 175 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupVlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable VLAN on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 155 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID to use on this interface, if VLAN is enabled. Please note that VLAN ID 4001 and 4002 are used for internal switching and thus cannot be used on any interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 156 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SNMP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 157 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceSCPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SCPI service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 158 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceATSC30 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable ATSC30 service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 159 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceWeb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable Web (http) service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 160 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceRIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable RIP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 161 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupCurrentIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 162 } itmex2atsc30CommsBackupCurrentNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP netmask for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 163 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2500 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortPhysicalInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Physical Ethernet Interface of this (virtual) interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2151 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortDhcpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), client(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable DHCP client on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2075 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortStaticIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP address for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2152 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortStaticNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP netmask for this interface. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2153 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2154 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sfinclude(0), sfexclude(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the Multicast Source Filter IP Address list is: SFINCLUDE: ONLY receive multicast frames from the source addresses in the list. SFEXCLUDE: Receive all multicast frames EXCEPT from the source addresses in the list." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2193 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 1 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2170 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 2 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2171 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 3 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2172 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 4 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2173 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 5 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2174 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Multicast Source Filter address no 6 for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2175 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortVlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable VLAN on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2155 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID to use on this interface, if VLAN is enabled. Please note that VLAN ID 4001 and 4002 are used for internal switching and thus cannot be used on any interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2156 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SNMP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2157 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceSCPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SCPI service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2158 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceATSC30 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable ATSC30 service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2159 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceWeb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable Web (http) service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2160 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceRIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable RIP service on this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2161 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortCurrentIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP address for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2162 } itmex2atsc30CommsPortCurrentNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current IP netmask for this interface." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 2163 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPServicePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number used for SNMP Service." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 55 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPReadOnlyCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Read-only community string used to access the SNMP Service." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 56 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPReadWriteCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Read-Write community string used to access the SNMP Service." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 57 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Trap community string used when sending SNMP Traps." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 58 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination IP address for the SNMP traps." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 59 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination 2 IP address for the SNMP traps." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 419 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination 3 IP address for the SNMP traps." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 779 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination 4 IP address for the SNMP traps." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1139 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination 5 IP address for the SNMP traps." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1499 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number used for Trap destination ." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 60 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number used for Trap destination 2." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 420 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number used for Trap destination 3." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 780 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number used for Trap destination 4." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1140 } itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number used for Trap destination 5." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1500 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static IP address for the default router (gateway). Will be used unless DHCP is enabled and the DHCP server is configured to include a default router address." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 29 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Current IP address for the default router (gateway)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 30 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static hostname for the device. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 27 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static hostname for the device. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 28 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNSDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static DNS domain name for the device. Will be used if DHCP is disabled or unavailable." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 25 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNSDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current DNS domain name for the device." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 26 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNS1ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of DNS server 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 19 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNS2ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of DNS server 2." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 21 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNS3ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of DNS server 3." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 23 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNS1ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Current IP address of DNS server 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 20 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNS2ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Current IP address of DNS server 2." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 22 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNS3ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Current IP address of DNS server 3." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 24 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticNtpServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DNS name or IP address of NTP server 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 31 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticNtp2ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DNS name or IP address of NTP server 2." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 3102 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticNtp3ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DNS name or IP address of NTP server 3." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 3104 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentNtpServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Current IP address of NTP server 1." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 32 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentNtp2ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Current IP address of NTP server 2." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 3202 } itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentNtp3ServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Current IP address of NTP server 3." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 3204 } itmex2atsc30CommsEmailServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the Email (SMTP) server." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 33 } itmex2atsc30CommsSecureWebPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TCP port number used for Web Service in HTTPS." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 9940 } itmex2atsc30CommsWebProto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { both(0), https(1), http(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protocol for web access." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 9941 } itmex2atsc30CommsWebServicePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TCP port number used for Web Service." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 35 } itmex2atsc30CommsSCPIServicePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TCP port number used for SCPI Service." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 36 } itmex2atsc30CommsSCPIServerBaudrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { r2400(0), r4800(1), r9600(2), r19200(3), r38400(4), r57600(5), r115200(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Baudrate used for SCPI Service on serial port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 37 } itmex2atsc30CommsSCPIUartInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rs232(0), rs485(1), rs485hd(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Interface used for SCPI Service on serial port." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 39 } itmex2atsc30CommsRipPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number used for RIP Service." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 38 } itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), v1(1), v2(2), v3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which IGMP Version to use." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 99 } itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPQueryRobustnessCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 2 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Number of Query Replies sent. The higher a number, the more robust IGMP setup is. At the cost of traffic on the network. Note: Changing this parameter doesnt take effect on a network interface until it has (re-)enabled." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 97 } itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPv3UnsolicitedReportInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 60000 ) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time interval between unsolicited IGMPv3 reports being sent. See RFC3376. The number of such report being sent is controlled by the Query Robustness Count." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 96 } itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPv2UnsolicitedReportInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 60000 ) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time interval between unsolicited IGMPv2/v1 reports being sent. See RFC2236. The number of such report being sent is controlled by the Query Robustness Count." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 95 } itmex2atsc30CommsAccessAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { remote(0), local-disable-set(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current access mode allowed: Remote: SNMP via Ethernet, Local: Frontpanel" ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 48 } itmex2atsc30CommsAccessAllowedTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 1440 ) UNITS "1 min" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timeout (in minutes) before local mode reverts to remote mode." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 49 } itmex2atsc30CommsAccessAllowedTimeLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "1 secs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current time left (in seconds) before local mode reverts to remote mode." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 50 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpStatusMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latest NTP Protocol status message." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1000 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpStatusLeapsec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latest Leap-Second status message." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1001 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpStatusSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The original clock source type as related by peer." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1002 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerRmsJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RMS Jitter between the NTP server (peer) and this unit." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1003 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerClockOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock offset between the NTP server (peer) and this unit." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1004 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerRoundtripDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Round-Trip delay between the NTP server (peer) and this unit." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1005 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerDispertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dispersion between the NTP server (peer) and this unit." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1006 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopRmsJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RMS Jitter in the loop of this unit." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1007 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopClockOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock offset between the loop of this unit and the real time." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1008 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopRmsWander OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 PPM" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RMS wander between loop of this unit and the real time." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1009 } itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopFreqOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.001 PPM" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency offset between loop of this unit and the real time." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 1010 } itmex2atsc30CommsAccessPasswordObserver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access password for Observer level access. Will always read as empty." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 51 } itmex2atsc30CommsAccessPasswordOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access password for Operator level access. Will always read as empty." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 52 } itmex2atsc30CommsAccessPasswordAdministrator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access password for Administrator level access. Will always read as empty." ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 53 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the static routing table entries" ::= { itmex2atsc30Comms 300 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for the static network routing table" INDEX { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteNO } ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteTable 1 } Itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteNO Integer32, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteType INTEGER, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePrefix IpAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePrefixSize Integer32, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteTarget IpAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePhysicalInterface INTEGER } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteNO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ID for this static route entry" ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry 1 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unused(0), normal(1), physicalif(2), recursive(3), drop(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of a Route table entry." ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry 2 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address part of prefix for a route table entry. If the address is, the entry will not be used." ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry 3 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePrefixSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 32 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of bits in the network part of the prefix for route table entry $. If the number is 0 (zero), the entry will not be used." ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry 4 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The target IP address for a route table entry. Only used if itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteType is normal(1) or recursive(3). If the target address is, the entry will not be used." ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry 5 } itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePhysicalInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0(0), eth1(1), eth2(2), eth3(3), eth4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Physical Ethernet Interface to use for a Route table entry. Only used when itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteType is physicalif(2)." ::= { itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteEntry 6 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Precorrector sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorVersionadaptive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Adaptive precorrector version." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 100 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorVersionoptipower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OptiPower version." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 101 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorHeadroom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { r12(0), r15(1), r18(2), r21(3), r24(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "selection of the wanted headroom" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 5 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdaptive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Linear precorrection curve active in the system" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 79 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monitoring(0), static(1), adaptive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "selection of the operational mode for the linear precorrector <br/>(note: legacy term used for backward compatibility. MONITORING Equal to the mode named BYPASS in the WEB GUI )" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 2 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearSenseEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "By using this, it is possible to control wether to use the linear Sense Input or not." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 46 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-running(0), monitoring(1), initialising(2), initialising-0(3), initialising-10(4), initialising-20(5), initialising-30(6), initialising-40(7), initialising-50(8), initialising-60(9), initialising-70(10), initialising-80(11), initialising-90(12), auto-applying(13), completed(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "linear Precor state" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 24 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorSenseLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Level meassured at the linear sense input with offset defined by attenuation" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 22 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorSenseValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is linear sense input information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 23 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorSenseBadCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bad/invalid sense counts, made by the linear adaptive precorrector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 8 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorAmplitudeRipple OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amplitude ripple" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 26 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorAmplitudeRippleValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is amplitude ripple information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 30 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorGroupDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group delay" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 27 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorGroupDelayValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is group delay information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 31 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorDiscartedIterations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of iterations discarded by the linear adaptive precorrector due to noisy signal samples." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 47 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorIterations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of iterations made by the linear adaptive precorrector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 19 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(0), autorun(1), runtotarget(2), continuous(3), single(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "selection of the operational mode for the linear adaptive precorrector <br/>(note: legacy term used for backward compatibility. IDLE Equal to the mode named MONITORING in the WEB GUI )" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 1 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapAmplitudeRippleTargetLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level for the amplitude ripple" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 42 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapAmplitudeRippleTargetHys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 100000 ) UNITS "0.01 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level hysteresis for the amplitude ripple" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 14 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapAmplitudeRippleEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable amplitude ripple as a trigger for the AUTORUN and RUNTOTARGET modes" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 10 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapGroupDelayTargetLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 10000 ) UNITS "0.1 ns" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level for the group delay" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 43 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapGroupDelayTargetHys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 100000 ) UNITS "0.01 ns" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level hysteresis for the group delay" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 15 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapGroupDelayEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable group delay as a trigger for the AUTORUN and RUNTOTARGET modes" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 11 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetNeutralload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apply the Neutral spectrum curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 82 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetFactoryrecall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Recall the stored Factory spectrum curve from memory" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 83 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetFactorystore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Store current adptive precorrected spectrum as factory curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 84 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetFactoryclear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear factory spectrum curve stored in memory to neutral curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 85 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1000 .. 1000 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a attenuation level for the sense input" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 78 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Non-Linear precorrection curve active in the system" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 80 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monitoring(0), static(1), adaptive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "selection of the operational mode for the non-linear precorrector <br/>(note: legacy term used for backward compatibility. MONITORING Equal to the mode named BYPASS in the WEB GUI )" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 4 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearSenseEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "By using this, it is possible to control wether to use the nonlinear Sense Input or not." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 48 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-running(0), monitoring(1), initialising(2), initialising-0(3), initialising-10(4), initialising-20(5), initialising-30(6), initialising-40(7), initialising-50(8), initialising-60(9), initialising-70(10), initialising-80(11), initialising-90(12), auto-applying(13), completed(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nonlinear Precor state" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 40 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorSenseLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Level meassured at the Nonlinear sense input with offset defined by attenuation" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 38 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorSenseValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is Nonlinear sense input information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 39 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorSenseBadCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bad/invalid sense counts, made by the nonlinear adaptive precorrector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 9 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorLowerShoulderLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower shoulder level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 28 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorLowerShoulderValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is Lower shoulder information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 32 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorUpperShoulderLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper shoulder level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 29 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorUpperShoulderValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is Upper shoulder information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 33 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorDiscartedIterations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of iterations discarded by the non-linear adaptive precorrector dur to noisy signal samples." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 49 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorIterations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of iterations made by the nonlinear adaptive precorrector." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 35 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorMer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MER" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 50 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorMerValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is MER information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 51 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorPapr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PAPR level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 52 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorPaprValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is Papr information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 53 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1000 .. 1000 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a attenuation level for the sense input" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 77 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(0), autorun(1), runtotarget(2), continuous(3), single(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "selection of the operational mode for the non-linear adaptive precorrector <br/>(note: legacy term used for backward compatibility. IDLE Equal to the mode named MONITORING in the WEB GUI )" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 3 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMaxRfPaprEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable the modulator's output PAPR limiter function" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 55 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMaxRfPaprLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 20 .. 180 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum RF PAPR Limitation" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 56 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMerTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 800 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a target level for the MER" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 57 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMerTargetHys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1000 ) UNITS "0.01 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a target MER hysteresis" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 58 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable MER as a trigger for the AUTORUN and RUNTOTARGET modes" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 59 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveLowerShoulderTargetLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -800 .. 0 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level for the lower shoulder" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 44 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveLowerShoulderTargetHys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1000 ) UNITS "0.01 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level hysteresis for the lower shoulder" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 16 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveLowerShoulderEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable shoulder level (lower) as a trigger for the AUTORUN and RUNTOTARGET modes" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 12 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveUpperShoulderTargetLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -800 .. 0 ) UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level for the upper shoulder" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 45 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveUpperShoulderTargetHys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 1000 ) UNITS "0.01 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define a adaptive target level hysteresis for the upper shoulder" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 17 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveUpperShoulderEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable shoulder level (upper) as a trigger for the AUTORUN and RUNTOTARGET modes" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 13 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetNeutralload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apply the Neutral spectrum curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 90 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetFactoryrecall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Recall the stored Factory spectrum curve from memory" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 91 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetFactorystore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Store current adptive precorrected spectrum as factory curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 92 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetFactoryclear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear factory spectrum curve stored in memory to neutral curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 93 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorPaprClipping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 200 .. 1200 ) UNITS "0.01 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "set the built-in peak clipper function. The value 'max' corresponds to an unclipped COFDM signal (12dB peak to average ratio). The value 'min' correspondsto COFDM signal where all peaks >2dB above average power are clipped. When feeding the output from the modulator through an amplifier the best overall performance result is normally obtained if the clipper value used by modulator clips the signal just a fraction before the amplifier would clip the signal." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 60 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorPaprShaping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 100 ) UNITS "1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the output peak shaping filter hardness. The value 'min' correspond to traditional 'hard-clipping' where the clipper noise is equally distributed below, inside and above the COFDM spectrum (clipper noise clearly visible in the form of noise above and below the spectrum. The value 'max' corresponds to maximum soft clipping where the clipper noise in the sidebands (above and below the COFDM spectrum) is subjected to maximum suppression while still maintaining the exact clipper value (peak-to-average-ration). The suppression of the sideband noise is obtained as a tradeoff against the in band performance. The clip filter setting is typically selected as a compromise between spectrum shoulder performance and in-band signal performance (MER)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 61 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monitoring(0), static(1), adaptive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Selection between no, static (manual) and adaptive clipper function" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 74 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperAdaptive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clipper shaped by the OptiClipper algorithm" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 75 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clipper enable" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 76 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperAdaptiveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monitoring(0), continuous(1), single(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Selection of the operational mode for the adaptive clipper function" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 63 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperAdaptiveShaping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 99 .. 100 ) UNITS "1 %" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Depricated Therefore min and max value are set to 100% Set the peak shaping filter hardness. The value 'min' correspond to traditional 'hard-clipping' where the clipper noise is equally distributed below, inside and above the COFDM spectrum (clipper noise clearly visible in the form of noise above and below the spectrum. The value 'max' corresponds to maximum soft clipping where the clipper noise in the sidebands (above and below the COFDM spectrum) is subjected to maximum suppression while still maintaining the exact clipper value (peak-to-average-ration). The suppression of the sideband noise is obtained as a tradeoff against the in band performance. The clip filter setting is typically selected as a compromise between spectrum shoulder performance and in-band signal performance (MER)." ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 81 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetNeutralload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apply the Neutral clipper curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 94 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetFactoryrecall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Recall the stored Factory clipper curve from memory" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 95 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetFactorystore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Store current adptive precorrected clipper as factory curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 96 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetFactoryclear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), activate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear factory clipper curve stored in memory to neutral curve" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 97 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-running(0), monitoring(1), initialising(2), initialising-0(3), initialising-10(4), initialising-20(5), initialising-30(6), initialising-40(7), initialising-50(8), initialising-60(9), initialising-70(10), initialising-80(11), initialising-90(12), auto-applying(13), completed(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OptiClipper state" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 64 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelLower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower shoulder level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 65 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelLowerValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is Lower shoulder information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 66 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelUpper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper shoulder level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 67 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelUpperValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is Upper shoulder information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 68 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorMer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MER level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 69 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorMerValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is MER information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 70 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorPapr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PAPR level" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 71 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorPaprValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is Papr information valid" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 72 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorIterations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Iterations performed by the OptiClipper algorithm" ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 73 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLastTurnAroundTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorLastTurnAroundTime " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 6 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorSecondsSinceLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorSecondsSinceLastUpdate " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 7 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearLoadNeutral OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), load(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorLinearLoadNeutral " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 20 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearLoadFactory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), load(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorLinearLoadFactory " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 21 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearUpdateFactoryCurve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), update(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorLinearUpdateFactoryCurve " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 25 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearLoadNeutral OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), load(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorNonlinearLoadNeutral " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 36 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearLoadFactory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), load(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorNonlinearLoadFactory " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 37 } itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearUpdateFactoryCurve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop(0), update(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PrecorrectorNonlinearUpdateFactoryCurve " ::= { itmex2atsc30Precorrector 41 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Backplane sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30BackplanePolarityHardMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { activelow(0), activehigh(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the polarity of the Hard Mute input pin on the PTT2 backplane." ::= { itmex2atsc30Backplane 1 } itmex2atsc30BackplanePolarityRFFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { activelow(0), activehigh(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the polarity of the RF Fail output pin on the PTT2 backplane." ::= { itmex2atsc30Backplane 2 } -- -- itmex2atsc30 Notifications sub-tree -- itmex2atsc30Notif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30Notifs 0 } itmex2atsc30NotifMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current alarm notification message" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notifs 1 } itmex2atsc30NotifState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), activated(1) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current alarm notification state" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notifs 2 } itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time the current alarm notification state changed" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notifs 3 } -- SNMPv2 compliance nonsense -- itmex2atsc30Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for systems supporting the this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { itmex2atsc30SystemGroup, itmex2atsc30InputGroup, itmex2atsc30OutputGroup, itmex2atsc30TestGroup, itmex2atsc30AlarmGroup, itmex2atsc30PresetGroup, itmex2atsc30EventlogGroup, itmex2atsc30CommsGroup, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorGroup } GROUP itmex2atsc30ModeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP itmex2atsc30GpsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP itmex2atsc30IpGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." ::= { itmex2atsc30Compliances 1 } itmex2atsc30Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30Conformance 2 } itmex2atsc30SystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW1Rev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW1RevBL, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW2Rev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW2RevBL, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW3Rev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentFW4Rev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentPCBRev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentCalibrationRev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentCalibrationDate, itmex2atsc30SystemReboot, itmex2atsc30SystemRebootDefaultConfig, itmex2atsc30SystemDateTime, itmex2atsc30SystemImage0Version, itmex2atsc30SystemImage0InstalledDate, itmex2atsc30SystemImage1version, itmex2atsc30SystemImage1InstalledDate, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRecurrence, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionHour, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMinute, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionWeekday, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMonthDay, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionDate, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRandomDelay, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionAction, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRepeaterMode, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionPresetNo, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRebootImage, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionRebootSystemType, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionMute, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeProtocol, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeUsername, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradePassword, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeImageServer, itmex2atsc30SystemScheduledActionSWUpgradeImagePath, itmex2atsc30SystemServiceLED , itmex2atsc30SystemLanguage , itmex2atsc30SystemType, itmex2atsc30SystemModulationStandard, itmex2atsc30SystemCurrentImage, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentKU, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentType, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentOptions, itmex2atsc30SystemDateTimeSync, itmex2atsc30SystemDateTimeSyncActual, itmex2atsc30SystemTimezone, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentSWRev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentBootLoaderRev, itmex2atsc30SystemInstrumentKernelRev, itmex2atsc30SystemOperationOnTime, itmex2atsc30SystemOperationOnAirTime, itmex2atsc30SystemOperationNumberOfBoots, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneid, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdRaw, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdPcb, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdCableOptions, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdMAnuf, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneCalibrationDate, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneCalibrationSw, itmex2atsc30SystemBackplaneIdPartlist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 1} itmex2atsc30ModeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30ModeSelect, itmex2atsc30ModeNetwork, itmex2atsc30ModeParameterValidationMessage, itmex2atsc30ModeParameterValidationLevel, itmex2atsc30ModeDelayOffset, itmex2atsc30ModesfnMargin, itmex2atsc30ModeSfnRelativeForce, itmex2atsc30ModeSpecificationRevision, itmex2atsc30ModeSpecificationStl, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainCurrentNetworkDelay, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainMaxNetworkDelay, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainMinNetworkDelay, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayMainModulatorDelayMargin, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveCurrentNetworkDelay, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveMaxNetworkDelay, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveMinNetworkDelay, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayReserveModulatorDelayMargin, itmex2atsc30ModeNetworkDelayResetDelays, itmex2atsc30ModeCopyFromStl, itmex2atsc30ModepreambleFft, itmex2atsc30ModepreambleGuardInterval, itmex2atsc30ModepreamblePilotDx, itmex2atsc30ModepreambleFectype, itmex2atsc30ModebootstrappreambleIdx, itmex2atsc30ModebootstrapEmergencyAlert, itmex2atsc30Model1basicVersion, itmex2atsc30Model1basicTimeInfo, itmex2atsc30Model1basicPapr, itmex2atsc30Model1basicframelengthMode, itmex2atsc30Model1basicframelengthValue, itmex2atsc30Model1basicSubframes, itmex2atsc30Model1basicBsid, itmex2atsc30Model1basicpreamblereducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1basicl1dFectype, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7Fft, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7reducedCarriers, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7GuardInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7OfdmSymbols, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0TiMode, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0SubsliceInterval, 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itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp0LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Id, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Layer, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1FecType, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Modulation, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Coderate, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub1detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub2detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub3detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub4detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub5detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub6detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub7detailPlp1Type, itmex2atsc30Model1Sub0detailPlp1TiMode, 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itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3ScatteredPilotPattern, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3ScatteredPilotBoost, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3SbsFirst, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3SbsLast, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3FrequencyInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp, 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itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Available, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Available, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Available, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp0Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp0SubsliceNumber, 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itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp6LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Id, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Id, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Id, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Id, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Layer, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Layer, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Layer, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Layer, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7ScramblerType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7FecType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7FecType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7FecType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7FecType, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Modulation, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Modulation, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Modulation, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Modulation, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Coderate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Coderate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Coderate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Coderate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Type, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Type, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Type, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Type, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7TiMode, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7TiMode, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7TiMode, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7TiMode, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7TiExtended, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7CtiDepth, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Available, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Available, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Available, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Available, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7UserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7CurrentUserRate, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Start, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7Size, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7SubsliceNumber, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7SubsliceInterval, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiInterSubframe, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumTiBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumFecMaxBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiNumFecBlocks, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7HtiCellInterleaver, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub0detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub1detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub2detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30Modestatusl1Sub3detailPlp7LdmInjectionLevel, itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtEnable, itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtMode, itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtInterval, itmex2atsc30ModeTablesLmtLlsLmt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DVB-T Mode group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 2} itmex2atsc30InputGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30InputPrimarySource, itmex2atsc30InputSecondarySource, itmex2atsc30InputAutoRoutingPolicy, itmex2atsc30InputTSPrimaryStatus, itmex2atsc30InputTSSecondaryStatus, itmex2atsc30InputHp, itmex2atsc30InputLp, itmex2atsc30InputEffectiveAutoroutingPolicy, itmex2atsc30InputHpBitrate, itmex2atsc30InputLpBitrate, itmex2atsc30InputRefOcxoDevType, itmex2atsc30InputRefOcxoCalDate, itmex2atsc30InputRefOcxoCalVer, itmex2atsc30InputRefDirection, itmex2atsc30InputRefSource, itmex2atsc30InputRefStatus, itmex2atsc30InputRef10MhzImpedance, itmex2atsc30InputRef10MhzHoldoverDelay, itmex2atsc30InputRef10MhzHoldoverForever, itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSImpedance, itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSHoldoverDelay, itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSHoldoverForever, itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSTrigSlope, itmex2atsc30InputRef1PPSTrigLevel, itmex2atsc30InputAutoRoutingDelayHp2Lp, itmex2atsc30InputAutoRoutingDelayLp2Hp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 3} itmex2atsc30OutputGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30OutputMode, itmex2atsc30OutputEffectiveLevel, itmex2atsc30OutputActualLevel, itmex2atsc30OutputPolarity, itmex2atsc30OutputRfFrequency, itmex2atsc30OutputRfFrequencyOffset, itmex2atsc30OutputRfLevel, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableMode, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableConstantLevelOffset, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset0, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset1, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset2, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset3, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset4, itmex2atsc30OutputRfCableFrequencyLevelOffset5, itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedActualLevel, itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedLowerLevelLimit, itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedLowerLevelcontrol, itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedHigherLevelLimit, itmex2atsc30OutputRfDetectedHigherLevelcontrol, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcControl, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcSense, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcSetpointPort1, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcSetpointPort2, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcMarkSetpoint1, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcMarkSetpoint2, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcStatus, itmex2atsc30OutputRfAlcStatusInformation, itmex2atsc30OutputMute, itmex2atsc30OutputMuteReason, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus1Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus2Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus3Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus4Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus5Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus6Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus7Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus8Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus9Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus10Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus11Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus12Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus1Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus2Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus3Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus4Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus5Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus6Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus7Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus8Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus9Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus10Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus11Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaStatus12Param, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm1Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm2Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm3Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm4Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm5Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm6Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm7Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm8Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm9Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm10Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm11Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm12Text, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm1Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm2Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm3Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm4Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm5Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm6Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm7Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm8Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm9Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm10Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm11Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaAlarm12Status, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaPowerForward, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaPowerReflected, itmex2atsc30OutputHpaPowerHeatsinkTemp ,itmex2atsc30OutputBandwidth, itmex2atsc30OutputChannel, itmex2atsc30OutputSynchronized, itmex2atsc30OutputMute, itmex2atsc30OutputPowerLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 4} itmex2atsc30GpsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30GpsInUse, itmex2atsc30GpsMaintenance, itmex2atsc30GpsBias, itmex2atsc30GpsbiasVoltage , itmex2atsc30GpsCableDelay , itmex2atsc30GpsHoldoverForever, itmex2atsc30GpsHoldoverTime, itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemGPS, itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemGLONASS, itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemGALILEO, itmex2atsc30GpsSatelliteSystemCOMPASS, itmex2atsc30GpsVersion, itmex2atsc30Gps1PPSStatus, itmex2atsc30GpsTime, itmex2atsc30GpsState, itmex2atsc30GpsVisibleSatellitesSnr, itmex2atsc30GpsTrackedSatellitesSnr, itmex2atsc30GpsVisibleSatellites, itmex2atsc30GpsTrackedSatellites, itmex2atsc30GpsLongtitude, itmex2atsc30GpsLatitude, itmex2atsc30GpsAltitude } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPS group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 7} itmex2atsc30IpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30IpRx1ReceiverEnable, itmex2atsc30IpRx2ReceiverEnable, itmex2atsc30IpRx3ReceiverEnable, itmex2atsc30IpRx4ReceiverEnable, itmex2atsc30IpRx1LanSelect, itmex2atsc30IpRx2LanSelect, itmex2atsc30IpRx3LanSelect, itmex2atsc30IpRx4LanSelect, itmex2atsc30IpRx1Multicast, itmex2atsc30IpRx2Multicast, itmex2atsc30IpRx3Multicast, itmex2atsc30IpRx4Multicast, itmex2atsc30IpRx1FecProtection, itmex2atsc30IpRx2FecProtection, itmex2atsc30IpRx3FecProtection, itmex2atsc30IpRx4FecProtection, itmex2atsc30IpRx1Portnumber, itmex2atsc30IpRx2Portnumber, itmex2atsc30IpRx3Portnumber, itmex2atsc30IpRx4Portnumber, itmex2atsc30IpRx1PacketErrorRatioLimit, itmex2atsc30IpRx2PacketErrorRatioLimit, itmex2atsc30IpRx3PacketErrorRatioLimit, itmex2atsc30IpRx4PacketErrorRatioLimit, itmex2atsc30IpRx1MinumimLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx2MinumimLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx3MinumimLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx4MinumimLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx1SyncTimeout, itmex2atsc30IpRx2SyncTimeout, itmex2atsc30IpRx3SyncTimeout, itmex2atsc30IpRx4SyncTimeout, itmex2atsc30IpRx1Status, itmex2atsc30IpRx2Status, itmex2atsc30IpRx3Status, itmex2atsc30IpRx4Status, itmex2atsc30IpRx1CurrentIPAddress, itmex2atsc30IpRx2CurrentIPAddress, itmex2atsc30IpRx3CurrentIPAddress, itmex2atsc30IpRx4CurrentIPAddress, itmex2atsc30IpRx1CurrentDeviceName, itmex2atsc30IpRx2CurrentDeviceName, itmex2atsc30IpRx3CurrentDeviceName, itmex2atsc30IpRx4CurrentDeviceName, itmex2atsc30IpRx1IpBitrate, itmex2atsc30IpRx2IpBitrate, itmex2atsc30IpRx3IpBitrate, itmex2atsc30IpRx4IpBitrate, itmex2atsc30IpRx1PacketErrorRatio, itmex2atsc30IpRx2PacketErrorRatio, itmex2atsc30IpRx3PacketErrorRatio, itmex2atsc30IpRx4PacketErrorRatio, itmex2atsc30IpRx1SequenceErrors, itmex2atsc30IpRx2SequenceErrors, itmex2atsc30IpRx3SequenceErrors, itmex2atsc30IpRx4SequenceErrors, itmex2atsc30IpRx1LostIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx2LostIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx3LostIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx4LostIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx1CorrectedIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx2CorrectedIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx3CorrectedIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx4CorrectedIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx1OverrunIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx2OverrunIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx3OverrunIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx4OverrunIPFrames, itmex2atsc30IpRx1FecColumn, itmex2atsc30IpRx2FecColumn, itmex2atsc30IpRx3FecColumn, itmex2atsc30IpRx4FecColumn, itmex2atsc30IpRx1FecRow, itmex2atsc30IpRx2FecRow, itmex2atsc30IpRx3FecRow, itmex2atsc30IpRx4FecRow, itmex2atsc30IpRx1QueueSize, itmex2atsc30IpRx2QueueSize, itmex2atsc30IpRx3QueueSize, itmex2atsc30IpRx4QueueSize, itmex2atsc30IpRx1CurrentLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx2CurrentLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx3CurrentLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx4CurrentLatency, itmex2atsc30IpRx1LinkStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx2LinkStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx3LinkStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx4LinkStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx1phyDevStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx2phyDevStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx3phyDevStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx4phyDevStatus, itmex2atsc30IpRx1SecurityHoldoff, itmex2atsc30IpRx2SecurityHoldoff, itmex2atsc30IpRx3SecurityHoldoff, itmex2atsc30IpRx4SecurityHoldoff } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 10} itmex2atsc30TestGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30TestEnable, itmex2atsc30TestEnableReconnect, itmex2atsc30TestscarrierFrequencyOffset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test Signal group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 13} itmex2atsc30AlarmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmState, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30GroupAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmState, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30PrimaryAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmState, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30SecondaryAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmState, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30SFNAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmState, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30IpAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmState, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30ReferenceAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmState, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30RFAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmState, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30GPSAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmState, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30ExternalAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmState, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30HWMonitorAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmState, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmActionForceMode, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmDescription, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmState, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionEventlog, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionRelay1, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionRelay2, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionTrap, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionEmail, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionAlarmLED, itmex2atsc30InternalAlarmActionForceMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 14} itmex2atsc30PresetGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30PresetName, itmex2atsc30PresetRecall, itmex2atsc30PresetStore, itmex2atsc30PresetLastRecalled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Preset group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 15} itmex2atsc30EventlogGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30EventlogID, itmex2atsc30EventlogTimestamp, itmex2atsc30EventlogText, itmex2atsc30EventlogClear, itmex2atsc30EventlogEnable, itmex2atsc30EventlogMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Eventlog group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 16} itmex2atsc30CommsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30CommsAccessPasswordObserver, itmex2atsc30CommsAccessPasswordOperator, itmex2atsc30CommsAccessPasswordAdministrator, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteType, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePrefix, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePrefixSize, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRouteTarget, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticRoutePhysicalInterface, itmex2atsc30CommsAlarmEmailReceiver, itmex2atsc30CommsNetworkWarnings, itmex2atsc30CommsSeparatedSwitchPorts, itmex2atsc30CommsBroadcastStormProtection, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalPhysicalInterface, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalDhcpMode, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalStaticIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalStaticNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterMode, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalVlanEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalVlanId, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceSNMP, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceSCPI, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceATSC30, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalServiceRIP, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalCurrentIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsLocalCurrentNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsRemotePhysicalInterface, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteDhcpMode, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteStaticIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteStaticNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterMode, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteVlanEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteVlanId, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceSNMP, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceSCPI, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceATSC30, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceWeb, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteServiceRIP, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteCurrentIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsRemoteCurrentNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminPhysicalInterface, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminDhcpMode, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminStaticIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminStaticNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterMode, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminVlanEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminVlanId, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceSNMP, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceSCPI, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceATSC30, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceWeb, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminServiceRIP, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminCurrentIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsGbeAdminCurrentNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupPhysicalInterface, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupDhcpMode, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupStaticIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupStaticNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterMode, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupVlanEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupVlanId, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceSNMP, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceSCPI, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceATSC30, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceWeb, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupServiceRIP, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupCurrentIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsBackupCurrentNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsPortEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsPortPhysicalInterface, itmex2atsc30CommsPortDhcpMode, itmex2atsc30CommsPortStaticIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsPortStaticNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterMode, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress1, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress2, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress3, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress4, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress5, itmex2atsc30CommsPortIpMulticastSourceFilterAddress6, itmex2atsc30CommsPortVlanEnable, itmex2atsc30CommsPortVlanId, itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceSNMP, itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceSCPI, itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceATSC30, itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceWeb, itmex2atsc30CommsPortServiceRIP, itmex2atsc30CommsPortCurrentIpAddr, itmex2atsc30CommsPortCurrentNetmask, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPServicePort, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPReadOnlyCommunity, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPReadWriteCommunity, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapCommunity, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination2, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination3, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination4, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestination5, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort2, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort3, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort4, itmex2atsc30CommsSNMPTrapDestinationPort5, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticGateway, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentGateway, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticHostname, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentHostname, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNSDomain, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNSDomain, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNS1ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNS2ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticDNS3ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNS1ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNS2ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentDNS3ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticNtpServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticNtp2ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsStaticNtp3ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentNtpServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentNtp2ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsCurrentNtp3ServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsEmailServerAddress, itmex2atsc30CommsSecureWebPort, itmex2atsc30CommsWebProto, itmex2atsc30CommsWebServicePort, itmex2atsc30CommsSCPIServicePort, itmex2atsc30CommsSCPIServerBaudrate, itmex2atsc30CommsSCPIUartInterface, itmex2atsc30CommsRipPort, itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPVersion, itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPQueryRobustnessCount, itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPv3UnsolicitedReportInterval, itmex2atsc30CommsIGMPv2UnsolicitedReportInterval, itmex2atsc30CommsAccessAllowed, itmex2atsc30CommsAccessAllowedTimeout, itmex2atsc30CommsAccessAllowedTimeLeft, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpStatusMessage, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpStatusLeapsec, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpStatusSource, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerRmsJitter, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerClockOffset, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerRoundtripDelay, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpPeerDispertion, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopRmsJitter, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopClockOffset, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopRmsWander, itmex2atsc30CommsNtpLoopFreqOff } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data network communications group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 17} itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLastTurnAroundTime, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorSecondsSinceLastUpdate, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearLoadNeutral, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearLoadFactory, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearUpdateFactoryCurve, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearLoadNeutral, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearLoadFactory, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearUpdateFactoryCurve, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorVersionadaptive, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorVersionoptipower, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorHeadroom, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdaptive, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMode, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearSenseEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorStatus, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorSenseLevel, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorSenseValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorSenseBadCount, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorAmplitudeRipple, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorAmplitudeRippleValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorGroupDelay, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorGroupDelayValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorDiscartedIterations, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearMonitorIterations, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapMode, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapAmplitudeRippleTargetLevel, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapAmplitudeRippleTargetHys, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapAmplitudeRippleEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapGroupDelayTargetLevel, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapGroupDelayTargetHys, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapGroupDelayEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetNeutralload, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetFactoryrecall, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetFactorystore, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAdapPresetFactoryclear, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorLinearAttenuation, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptive, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMode, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearSenseEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorStatus, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorSenseLevel, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorSenseValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorSenseBadCount, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorLowerShoulderLevel, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorLowerShoulderValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorUpperShoulderLevel, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorUpperShoulderValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorDiscartedIterations, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorIterations, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorMer, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorMerValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorPapr, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearMonitorPaprValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAttenuation, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMode, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMaxRfPaprEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMaxRfPaprLimit, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMerTarget, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMerTargetHys, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveMerEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveLowerShoulderTargetLvl, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveLowerShoulderTargetHys, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveLowerShoulderEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveUpperShoulderTargetLvl, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveUpperShoulderTargetHys, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptiveUpperShoulderEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetNeutralload, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetFactoryrecall, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetFactorystore, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorNonlinearAdaptivePresetFactoryclear, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorPaprClipping, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorPaprShaping, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMode, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperAdaptive, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperEnable, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperAdaptiveMode, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperAdaptiveShaping, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetNeutralload, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetFactoryrecall, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetFactorystore, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperPresetFactoryclear, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorStatus, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelLower, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelLowerValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelUpper, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorShoulderLevelUpperValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorMer, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorMerValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorPapr, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorPaprValid, itmex2atsc30PrecorrectorClipperMonitorIterations } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Precorrector group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 25} itmex2atsc30BackplaneGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30BackplanePolarityHardMute, itmex2atsc30BackplanePolarityRFFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backplane group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 27} itmex2atsc30NotifsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification objects group" ::= { itmex2atsc30Groups 64 } -- -- Agent Capability -- itmex2atsc30Agent AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "SWITELCOATSC30_P3_1_02_358 build 1615727479" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Itelco MEX2 ATSC30 Modulator agent" SUPPORTS ITMEX2ATSC30-MIB INCLUDES { itmex2atsc30SystemGroup, itmex2atsc30ModeGroup, itmex2atsc30GpsGroup, itmex2atsc30IpGroup, itmex2atsc30TestGroup, itmex2atsc30PresetGroup, itmex2atsc30EventlogGroup, itmex2atsc30CommsGroup, itmex2atsc30BackplaneGroup, itmex2atsc30AlarmGroup } ::= { itmex2atsc30Conformance 3 } -- -- System Notifications (aka Traps) -- itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itmex2atsc30Conformance 4 } itmex2atsc30NotifModulatorAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Modulator Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 3 } itmex2atsc30NotifPrimaryAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 5 } itmex2atsc30NotifSecondaryAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 6 } itmex2atsc30NotifSFNAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SFN Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 7 } itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reference Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 8 } itmex2atsc30NotifRFAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 9 } itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GNSS Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 10 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 12 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 13 } itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HW Monitor Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 14 } itmex2atsc30NotifCommAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communications Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 15 } itmex2atsc30NotifASIAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ASI Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 16 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Internal Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 18 } itmex2atsc30NotifPrimarySyncLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary Sync Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 21 } itmex2atsc30NotifSecondarySyncLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary Sync Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 32 } itmex2atsc30NotifRFOverloadProtectionAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overload Protection" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 44 } itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth0Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ETH0 Conn. State" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 55 } itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth1Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ETH1 Conn. State" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 56 } itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth2Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ETH2 Conn. State" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 57 } itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth3Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ETH3 Conn. State" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 58 } itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth4Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ETH4 Conn. State" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 59 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-refAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Reflected" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 72 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-absAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA RF ABSENT" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 73 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-warnAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Warning" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 74 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-faultAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPA Fault" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 75 } itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExtern1PPSLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ext. 1PPS Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 76 } itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockIntern1PPSLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Int. 10MHz Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 77 } itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExtern10MHzLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ext. 10MHz Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 78 } itmex2atsc30NotifRFAlcRangeAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ALC Range" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 79 } itmex2atsc30NotifSFNResyncAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resync Error" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 80 } itmex2atsc30NotifRFLevelOutOfRangeAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Level Out of Range" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 87 } itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockNTPSyncLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NTP Sync Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 89 } itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSUnlockedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GNSS Unlocked" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 98 } itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSAntennaFaultAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GNSS Antenna Fault" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 107 } itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSHoldOverAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GNSS Holdover" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 108 } itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExternal10MHzHoldOverAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ext. 10MHz Ref Holdover" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 109 } itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExternal1PPSHoldOverAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ext. 1PPS Ref Holdover" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 110 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx1PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX1 Package Error Ratio Exceeded" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 115 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx3PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX3 Package Error Ratio Exceeded" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 116 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx2PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX2 Package Error Ratio Exceeded" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 117 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx4PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX4 Package Error Ratio Exceeded" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 118 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx1SyncLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX1 Signal Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 119 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx3SyncLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX3 Signal Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 120 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx2SyncLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX2 Signal Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 121 } itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx4SyncLossAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP RX4 Signal Loss" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 122 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalBackplaneAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backplane Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 129 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalReferenceClockAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reference Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 132 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalUpConverterAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upconverter Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 134 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalDownConverterAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Downconverter Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 135 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalMainboardAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Main board Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 136 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalBatteryAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Main Board Battery" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 137 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalFirmware1Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware 1 Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 139 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalGNSSAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GNSS Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 142 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalSatelliteAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Satrecv Status" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 143 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalEthAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EtherNet Port Failure" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 146 } itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorFPGAAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Main Board FPGA Temperature" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 156 } itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorMainBoardCPUTemperatureAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Main Board CPU Temperature" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 157 } itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorMainBoardTemperatureAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Main Board Temperature" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 158 } itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorLeftFanAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Left Chassis Fan" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 159 } itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorRightFan2Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Right Chassis Fan" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 160 } itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorBackplaneTemperatureAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backplane Temperature" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 162 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalPLLUnlockedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PLL Out of Lock" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 182 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput5Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm Input 5" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 183 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput6Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm Input 6" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 186 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput7Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm Input 7" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 187 } itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput8Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm Input 8" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 188 } itmex2atsc30NotifInternalCalibrationAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Calibration Data" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 198 } itmex2atsc30NotifCommnetconfAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { itmex2atsc30NotifMessage, itmex2atsc30NotifState, itmex2atsc30NotifLocalTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network Configuration" ::= { itmex2atsc30Notif 199 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupModulatorAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifModulatorAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Modulator Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 3 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupPrimaryAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifPrimaryAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifPrimarySyncLossAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 5 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupSecondaryAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifSecondaryAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifSecondarySyncLossAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 6 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupSFNAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifSFNAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifSFNResyncAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SFN Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 7 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupRefenceClockAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExtern1PPSLossAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockIntern1PPSLossAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExtern10MHzLossAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockNTPSyncLossAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExternal10MHzHoldOverAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRefenceClockExternal1PPSHoldOverAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reference Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 8 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupRFAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifRFAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRFOverloadProtectionAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRFAlcRangeAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifRFLevelOutOfRangeAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 9 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupGNSSAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSUnlockedAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSAntennaFaultAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifGNSSHoldOverAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GNSS Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 10 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupIPAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifIPAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx1PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx3PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx2PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx4PackageErrorRationExceededAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx1SyncLossAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx3SyncLossAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx2SyncLossAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifIPRx4SyncLossAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 12 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupExternalAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifExternalAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-refAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-absAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-warnAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalHpa-faultAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput5Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput6Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput7Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifExternalInput8Alarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 13 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupHWMonitorAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorFPGAAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorMainBoardCPUTemperatureAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorMainBoardTemperatureAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorLeftFanAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorRightFan2Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifHWMonitorBackplaneTemperatureAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HW Monitor Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 14 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupCommAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifCommAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth0Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth1Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth2Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth3Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifCommeth4Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifCommnetconfAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communications Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 15 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupASIAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifASIAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ASI Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 16 } itmex2atsc30NotifGroupInternalAlarm NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { itmex2atsc30NotifInternalAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalBackplaneAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalReferenceClockAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalUpConverterAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalDownConverterAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalMainboardAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalBatteryAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalFirmware1Alarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalGNSSAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalSatelliteAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalEthAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalPLLUnlockedAlarm, itmex2atsc30NotifInternalCalibrationAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Internal Alarms" ::= { itmex2atsc30NotificationsGroups 18 } END